You can lean on my shoulders

Next day in Hee-jung's car while she was going to her college she checked the messages in her phone, she read Young-soo's text message and replied; I'm doing well so don't worry about me. Take care of yourself and don't skip your meals.

Young-soo smiled when he saw her reply to his text message during his free time in the afternoon, and he texted; sure I'll not skip my meals. You stay safe and don't stroll with your friends in the late nights and try to get back home before 10 pm.

As Eunbi was busy attending her classes in the college she read his text message only in the evening and texted him; sure Young-soo.

That evening after the college Eunbi, Hee-jung and Hong-joo went to the theater, watched one of the new released movies, had their dinner in the restaurant, and Hee-jung went with Eunbi to her house to stay with her.

As soon as they enter the house the ladies changed their dresses and lay down on the bed to sleep. They just looked at the white ceiling of the room and talk before they fall asleep. While they were talking with one another Hee-jung advised Eunbi to tell about her love matter to Young-soo as soon as possible.

Eunbi just nodded her head with a 'hmm'

Hee-jung advised her and fell asleep but Eunbi couldn't able to sleep she was in her deep thoughts that how to express about her love matter to Young-soo, and whether it is a right choice to tell him or not. Even after she fell asleep she was disturbed with her thoughts so she was stirred in her sleep on the bed.

Next day, when Young-soo returned back to his house at Jeju Island, he was welcomed by Eunbi with a smile on her face, "how was your trip?"

As he saw the smile on her face he felt like his happiness has return back to him. He walked in by pulling his wheeled trolley bag, "yeah, it was good and the business deal was ended successfully. And I hope you enjoyed your days without me in the house."

Her delightful expression of her face faded as soon as he said that to her, "no, it's not that what you're thinking, I enjoyed my time with my friend though. It was a new experience because I had never spent a night with my friends before. Now go freshen-up lets go out for a dinner."

"I too have planned to take you out for a dinner but you said before I do. Anyways, I'll get ready to go out." He replied and went to his room. Once they got ready he gave the car key to Eunbi, "today you drive the car and take me to the place you wanted to take."

Eunbi nodded her head with smile.

He locked the house door and got in the car. Eunbi started the car engine and drove the car to the place where she's planned to take him for the dinner. While she was driving the car Young-soo started the conversation, "don't you felt awkward as if we are going out for the first time?"

Eunbi nodded her head and said, "Yes," by concentrating on driving.

"I would like to clear you about a thing, let's just break the awkwardness between us and act normally like we used to be before. However, we are going to divorce in five months so I would like to end our relationship smoothly without any embarrassment."

Eunbi was so happy to hear that he agreed to give her the divorce, she just speed-up the car bit more with excitement.

As he saw the happiness in her face he thought, 'I have loved you with all my heart, Eunbi. I'm ready to give you whatever you wanted from me that makes you happy and to see the smile on your face.'

Once they reach the destination, they got down of the car, and she handed the car key to the parking valet. As they were walking to enter of the restaurant Eunbi felt like someone was stalking her for a long while since from the evening. She looked around the area and there were only few family members are presented at that place. She was scared and grabbed Young-soo's hand, "I feel like someone was stalking me from the college." She said with worried expression.

Young-soo quickly looked around the place as he found no one looks suspicious he advised her, "no one is stalking you, don't get scared I'm here with you, and I'll never let anybody to harm you."

When they enter in the restaurant one of the male staff member welcomed them with a smile, he asked them about their reservation, and escorted them to their table which they have reserved. Their table was located next to the poolside of the restaurant. They sat down at their table parallel to each other, "I know you love to have dinner at the outdoor especially next to the poolside or the seashore of the beach. Do you like it?" Eunbi asked Young-soo.

"Yeah, I like it, and you have understood the likes and dislikes of me very well, my friend." He replied.

She gave him a smile.

One of the waiters came to their table to take their order Young-soo asked Eunbi to order the food for him. Eunbi did order the food dishes which he likes the most and then she ordered for her. Young-soo gave her a surprise look, "what else you know about me?"

"I know more about you than you are thinking." She replied.

"Pretty cool to hear that from you," he took out the rectangular gift box of his pant pocket which he was hiding it from her to give it to her at the right moment. He gave her the gift, "I bought this for you from Japan, hope you'll like it."

Eunbi's widened her eyes in surprise to his present, "you don't need to buy me present whenever you go out for the business trip, just take care of yourself that's enough for me." She took the gift box from his hand and said, "Anyways I love presents." She unwrapped the gift wrap with excitement like a kid to see what was inside the box. As she opens the wooden rectangular box and saw the beautiful golden fountain pen she thanked him, "thank you so much Young-soo it looks so beautiful, and I love it."

Young-soo was delighted to see the happiness on her face after a long time. "When I went for shopping as usual I don't know what to buy for you. I just coincidently enter into the pen shop, when I looked at this beautiful handcrafted fountain pen something made me think of you, as if this pen was made especially for you and it has been waiting to get in between your slender fingers, so I bought it for you. I asked the shopkeeper to engrave your name at the barrel of the pen, take a look at it, and I hope you will make use of it."

She took that pen out from its box and looked at the barrel of the pen. As she saw her name engraved on the barrel, she said, "This was the one of the best gifts I have ever received before, and I'll cherish it." she carefully placed that pen back in its box, closed the box and kept it on her handbag.

After a few seconds their ordered foods were served on their table and they have their food. "I'm sorry, Eunbi. I should have not behaved rude to you when you tried to take of me when I was sick."

She looked at him, "that's ok, Young-soo I can understand you because it was my mistake. I should have expressed that I was not in love with you when you've proposed your love to me in front of your friends. I'm the one should apologize to you because it was full and fully my mistake so you don't need to apologize to me anymore regarding that matter. Let's just lead our friendship even after our divorce."

He nodded his head, "of-course, I'll be always there for you as one your friend; you can lean on my shoulders whenever you wanted to. In this moment I would like to tell that, after getting the divorce don't forget to achieve in your ambition try to speak about it to your father."

"Why are you advising me as if we are going to get divorce tomorrow?" Eunbi asked.

"I just felt like I wanted to say that to you." Young-soo said with a serious expression of his face and had his food.

Once they finish having their foods, Eunbi pays the bill saying, "I took you out so I'll pay the bill tonight."

And Young-soo just let her pay the bill without saying anything.

When they were about to leave the restaurant she asked Young-soo to go wait for her in the car as she needed to use the restroom. Young-soo waited and waited for more than a twenty minutes yet she hasn't arrived. First he tried to contact her to her phone number but his call was rejected within the three rings, he tried to call her again but his call was rejected like before. He was panicked whether something has happened to her therefore; he went in the restaurant to look for her. When he walked near to the restroom he saw a man was grabbing Eunbi's hand as she struggles to get free from his grip, he walked fiercely to her, and gave a hard punch across that guys face, "how dare you are to harass my wife." He said and gave him another punch over his face.

That guy loosened his grip on Eunbi's hand and fell down on the floor with blood stains over the corner of his mouth.