Why don’t you understand it?

Next day, Young-soo decided to go to Jeju Island because it has been more than a week since he took care of his business. And before he leaves the house his mother asked him to consider about her's and his father's advises.

Young-soo hugged his mother, "sure mom, I'll consider about your advises, and you care of your health, I'll meet you guys often in my free times."

Once he reaches Jeju island he straight away headed to his office, and inquired Jaemin what all have happened at the office during his absence.

Jaemin explained one by one calmly in detail.

While he was listening to Jaemin's explanations, his phone rang, he took the phone from his table, looked at the phone's display to check who the caller was, and it reads Eunbi. He signaled Jaemin to stop his explanations and said, "hyung, it's a call from Eunbi, you answer the call for me and say her that I'm busy right now, and ask her what the matter is."

Jaemin nodded his head, and did answer the call. "Hello ma'am, this is Jaemin speaking. Sir is pretty busy right now, would you mind please call him later, or if there is any important matter tell it to me I'll convey it to him."

Eunbi called Young-soo to ask him when he is going to come and visit her father today. However, she doesn't want to ask it to Jaemin, instead she asked him, "may I know where he is at right now, I mean I want to know whether he's at Seoul or Jeju Island."

Jaemin: "now, sir is in his office at Jeju Island, ma'am."

"I'll talk to him later after some times. You just inform him about my phone call," she replied, and hung up the call.

Eunbi wondered, 'why did he return back to Jeju Island without visiting appa and without informing about it to me. Did anybody say anything to him? Since yesterday he was not talking to me properly, and I couldn't guess what must be the reason?'

In the office Young-soo thanked Jaemin for managed to speak with Eunbi over the phone with some lies according to his wish.

Jeamin return back the phone to Young-soo, and asked him, "Does anything happen between you and Eunbi, why did you ask me to answer the call?"

"Nothing much hyung, later I'll tell you about it in our free times. Now let's continue our official works."

Jaemin continued his explanations from where he's stopped.

Then Young-soo didn't contact Eunbi to ask about her father's health conditions. Instead he asked his father to go visit Mr. Yoon in the hospital to collect the information about his health conditions. Even he didn't answer Eunbi's phone calls, and sometimes he asked Jaemin to answer her calls to ask her what the matter is. And like that three months have been passed.

One day he got a message from Eunbi. Young-soo opened that text message, it was a lengthy message, and it says; "I hope that you're doing well, and I know that you are not going to answer my phone calls. Therefore, I send you this text message with a hope that you'll read. This coming Saturday I'm going to come to Jeju Island to attend my college commencement ceremony. Therefore I'm inviting you because no one is accompanying me, omma have to take care of my appa, Eunah was busy with managing our business, and Min-suk went to his business trip to China. So I'll be expecting your arrival, please do come without making any lame excuses."

After reading the message he massaged his forehead, and thought in his mind, 'why Eunbi why? Why are you kept on trying to reach me over the phone though I have ignored your calls? Now why are you inviting me to your college commencement ceremony? Don't you understand that I'm avoiding you on purpose, and I'm doing this to forget you and move-on in my life. On the other hand your boyfriend Min-suk asked me to maintain a long distance relationship to you. Why are you doing this to me, Eunbi.'

On the day of her college commencement ceremony, Eunbi was eagerly awaited for Young-soo's arrival. Almost every student bought their friends and family members along with them, but she was the only person that went alone without bringing anyone along with her. Even she couldn't able to be happy to meet her best friends Hee-jung and Hong-joo after a year and a half. All her thoughts were only on Young-soo, and she debated in her mind whether Young-soo will come or not.

Young-soo sends her her favorite red rose white baby's-breath flower bouquet through Jaemin. Eunbi felt so hurt to see Jaemin instead of Young-soo. She forced a smile on her face and received the flower bouquet from Jaemin. She read the note in flower bouquet, "my hearty congratulations for graduating successfully, and my best wishes to you to achieve a lot in your life ahead, by Young-soo." Then she said to Jaemin, "I know what you are going to say to me now."

Jaemin gave her a questioning look.

"You are going to say that Young-soo is busy with his work hence he couldn't able to come and wish me in person, isn't?"

Jaemin just nodded his head.