With the wyrm dragon still occupied by the Blue shield Hield, the sentinent mech hollerred at his subordinates :" Wolf Battalion get ready to take on the wyrm dragon while the mech beasts hold against the lower levelled mutant beast."

"YES SIR." The Wolf Battalion replied in unison as they made their way towards the wyrm dragon.

" Esteemed Sir Jason, while we may be able to defeat the wyrm dragon, killing it and without any casualties is an impossible task."

Jason looked at his subordinate as he pondered over his words before replying with sheer determination in his eyes :" No, we will have to kill this beast if i wanna evolve to the next stage and as regards to the casualties on our sides, even if all these unintelligent mech beasts serve to die in the end, the losses will still not be much in comparison to if we lose this chance."

The subordinate nodded before heading out with the remaining subordinates. The casualties on the mech beasts side climbed up as they all focused themselves on the wyrm dragon but it proved to be beneficial as the wyrm dragon was finally forced to defend itself and not be so casual anymore.

The battle was now at its most intense stage with thousands dying on each side every minute.

Suddenly a barrage of beams and rockets blasted apart the various mutant beasts alongside dealing a heavy blow to the wyrm dragon who was taken by surprise. Finally, the Wolf Battalion had reached the battlefield. With every wolf battalion member being a Rank 3 Mech Warrior , the wyrm dragon could also feel their danger and turned to them. If it were a 1v1, then it had the confidence to eradicate the foe in one hit but when facing several Rank 3 Mech Warriors even it might be defeated if it was careless, of course killing it was a far fetched story.

The Wolf Battalion proved to be a dangerous foe as they deployed numerous techniques restricting the wyrm dragon and constantly dealing damage to it. After half an hour much of the scales and spikes on its body had been chipped off but in return The Wolf Battalion also had to sacrifice Four members of it. "NOW!!!" jason shouted as his hands opened up to shoot several metal beams into the bloodied wounds of the Wyrm Dragon. The other mechs did the same. From these metal beams, a huge amount of electricity travelled to the Wyrm Dragon causing many parts of its body to be charred black, but still it remained standing mainly because of its insane Life Force.

Seeing it standing, jason didn't despair as the electricity wasnt meant to kill it but was meant to temporrarily paralyze it.

"Do it."

As soon as his words landed, the Roof of The Fort Opened up to reveal a Huge White cannon embedded with several Rank 3 Power Stones and a Rank 4 Power Stone.

The White Cannon gathered up energy from the power stones before Launching a powerfull beam towards the wyrm Dragon. The wyrm Dragon had sensed the Powerful Beam heading towards its way but was unable to move as it was paralyzed, thus in an final bid its eyes flashed dangerously as it glanced at the sentinent mechs.

" Escape, its gonna take us down wi....."​ before the mechs word could land, the wyrm dragon released its Core ability and 4 large tornadoes formed up with two rushing towards the beam while the other two went towards the mechs.

A LARGE BOOM resounded as the beam tore apart the tornadoes and hit the wyrm dragon on its chest tearing it apart and splattering blood and organ tissues here and there but the wyrm dragon was successfull as its innate ability had managed to block most of the attack and saved its life however it was still at deaths doorstop.

The mechs on the other hand werent so lucky as the majority had been killed by the two other Tornadoes with only 6 remaining.

"Damned". jason thought but his expression soon changed to one of delight as he glanced at the almost dead wyrm dragon and made his way towards it.

Suddenly, a large "swish" sounded out as three of his subordinates were killed followed by another two of the mechs head being cleaved apart and their chips destroyed leaving jason alone. Jason focused his eyes and saw a ashened black monkey with White Murkey eyes standing at a height 4 meters. Although it was much smaller in comparison to the wyrm dragon, the danger jason felt from it was not any lesser and maybe even more.

Suddenly the monkey jumped at the wyrms chest and before jason could even react, it had already took out the Rank 4 Power Stone and devoured it in a single gulp.

Seeing all his efforts go to waste, jason became crazy as his eyes became bloodshot and roared out :" Damn that F*****, i will F****** kill you and take out that power stone from inside you." however despite saying that, he still stayed inside the blue shield as he knew that he wasnt its match. At the same time, the monkey mutant beast was sitting on top of the Wyvern Dragons corpse and was looking around for its next prey. Having seen the blue shield, it jumped towards it and punched it. "peh, Fool!! The shield is powered by several Rank 3 Power Stones and one core Rank 4 Power Stone , no way will it be broken down by the likes of you."

In half air, the monkey spat something on its hands and its punch suddenly changed glowing Dark Blue with several runes on top of it.


a large sound resonated accross the battlefield as ripples could be seen forming on the shield.

*Shelds defence capabilities has diminished by 18%%, judging by current situation the shield will completely fall in 2 minutes and 33 seconds*

"Impossible, how did he do that, how does it have such power" as jason face turned green from fright, the monkey had already started another barrage of punches at the shield. With each punch deforming the shield further, it seemed that it was gonna fall any minute.

*warning shields defense capabilities reduced to 65%*

*Warning shields capa..... 34%*

With each notification, his face lost more and more colour.

Finally, the mutant beast monkey jumped high in the air and punched with all his might, completely breaking apart the shield and causing the Rank 3 stones to disintegrate.

Although the shields could originally stand for another few minutes, jason had prior taken out the last Rank 4 Power Stone and hence without a core energy source, the shield immediately collapsed.

The shield could initially hold out for a few minutes but jason seeing the situation turn worser had taken out the Rank 4 Power Stone and fled. Seeing the Rank 3 Power stones being disintergrated caused his heart to be struck in pain as each of this was gained after countless sacrifices. His only refuge at the time was that he had managed to save the Rank 4 Power Stone.

With the shields destruction, the fort was now defenceless and was invaded by the mutant beasts who shredded everything in their path. More and more mech beats were being killed. Two mech beasts were soloing a mutant Rank 2 wyrm Snake , when they were flanked by four more mutant beasts of the same kind and were smashed into pieces. Seeing the increasing causualties on the mechs side, it seemed that in a short while victory would be on the Mutant Beasts side, however jason could not care any less as he was now completely focused on escaping from that dreaded mutant monkey. Soon he saw a few ships hovering in the sky. Seeing these ships, he rejoiced and increased his pace. Suddenly, he felt the surroundings to quiten and so moved his face behind but was confused when he didnt see anything, 'was i mistaken?'

Suddenly, his entire body felt a chill and he immediately activated several shields and saw the Mutant monkey already bracing its fist towards him, "Pang" sounded out as the shields were broken apart and the punch neared him without losing any momentum.

Jason felt complete despair and hopelessness and could only move his body slightly side wards and managed to survive the deadly blow but at the cost of his entire body below his waist area. "Dammnit, am i gonna die here?". The Mutant monkey held the broken part of his body and slightly twisted revealing a Rank 4 Power Stone that originally powered up the Forts shield and threw it in his mouth.


*Crunch*, after eating The Power Stone, it then turned its face towards jason and looked at him with its murky white eyes.

Jason gave a wry smile and as the claws neared his face, he felt that he was not so better then the Mindless Mech Beasts that he used to look down on. Memories of his entire life ran through his face, his ambitions , his family and his strict and yet loving dad the only person that loved him.

"No!! I cannot die like this, atleast not without killing you." as he thought upto this point, his eyes carried a venomous gaze and his chest opened up revealing several Rank 2 Power Stones and Three Rank 3 Ones and his body became searing red and started heating up. Obviously, he was planning to explode himself. One could see his decisiveness in his decision. As jasons body was about to explode, the monkey finally felt a sense of fear and instead of running away, it instead opened its claws wide and spat some laws of disruption on it causing it to glow scarlet blue before bringing it down on the mech. Suddenly the most astonishing thing happened, the mech that was about to explode subsided down and its colour changed back to normal. "Wait what is happening? Why didnt i explode?!!" however jason could only curse at his bad luck as he fell unconcious as the attack from the monkey seemed to affect his Al-Chip. The monkey then proceeded to grab towards the core source that powered jasons Al-Chip. Suddenly, the mutant monkey retracted his claws and kicked on the ground throwing itself back by 20 meters. The ground that the monkey was previously on was blasted apart by numerous laser beams from the sky that caused a huge hole. The beams continued there way towards where the monkey was standing and forced him to continuously flee and only after when he was a good 200 meters apart, then the turrets in the sky changed their target to the other mutant beasts and in half an hour, it had destroyed a grea deal of mutant beasts. The ship then lowered some metal containers, which opened up to reveal hundreds of sentinent mechs of Rank 3 and some five Rank 4 Mechs.

"Esteemed Sir Cyrops. We await your command!! " among the numerous mechs in the ships above in the sky, there was a single one sitting on a golden throne with a aloof expression. The aura that he gave showed that he had killed hundreds and thousands to reach this Rank 5 Mech General Stage. He had an extremely powerfull background and had command over this fleet of 16 Category 4 ships and a single Category 5 ship in which he was currently residing in. After eyeing his subordinates, he then gave his command:-" Obey my Command, kill all of the mutants below irrespective of the cost and whoever of you brings me the Power Stone of that damned Monkey, i will handsomely reward you." Hearing this, the sentinent mechs were all excited as they made their way to the mutant beasts below.