RANK 5 General Mech Interferes:-

Currently all the sentinent mechs were in chaos. It had only been a short while since Ernfield had died and they didn't even have time to regain themselves from shock when suddenly,

*stilius hiremen has fallen in battle* sounded out.

This caused them to be stupified as though they knew that the enemy was a Rank 4 mutant beast but still its prowess especially its intelligence was much higher then those of its realm usually had.

Plus Ernfield was slightly eccentric and for him to fall in battle was one thing but stilius, he was the most calm and analytical mech out of all his peers and his death made them subconciously change the threat level in their minds and they formed up groups containing 3 commander level Rank 4 Mechs and multiple officer level Rank 3 mechs each. They opened up their sensors and some of the Mechs began operating drones in a bid to find out the Mutant Monkey.

The mutant beasts were now at their dying struggle and their reinforcements had long been cut off.

Even the mighty Rank 3 ones were getting butchered by the countless lower ranked mechs and mech beasts.

This was mainly because of there not being a higher Ranked mutant beast to lead the charge and to hold the fort. Whilst the Mutant Monkey was also capable of fulfilling these requirements, it didnt actively participate in the battle and was in a constant bid to locate the Rank 4 mechs and so in this regards the Dead Rank 4 Wyvern Dragon was much better.


Three Rank 4 mechs were constantly scurrying in and about the battlefield followed by 30 mech officers all armed to the extreme.

These mechs were all part of the millitary and as such opposed to the common civilians they possessed much more higher level resources and their higherups also had a great degree of influence in the affairs of the empire.

Their battalion were also much more favoured and resourcefull due to their commander being a General Level Mech and one having a great background to boot with and as such, the great treatment coupled with Lord Cyrops unique charisma they were loyal to him to a fault and so when they heard that The Rank 4 Monkeys Power Stone might help their General in his Evolution they were naturally very pumped.

As the squad of mechs was passing through a narrow canyon, they heard loud rumbling and The 3 Rank 4 mechs in the front shouted loudly:-" Carefull!! Its a stampede of Mutant beasts."

"S***, a whole stampede."

"Why didnt the drones pick up the movement?!"

"No, we will all die"

All of the mechs were struck with fear amd their formations began to fall apart.

Individually a rank 4 Mech could easily kill an Rank 3 Mutant Beast and in groups they can even kill a Rank 4 Mutant Beast easily but a stampede was a different case as even a Rank 5 Mech General could fall if it it was careless.

And surely after a few dozens of seconds, they could see the faint outline of mutant Beasts.

The mutant beats at the front comprised of Rank 3 Mutant Beasts. While those at the back comprised of Rank 2 Mutant Beasts.​Whilst the quality of these mutant beasts was much inferior compared to the mechs, their numbers were the true terror.

"No" a mech whimpered as it was impaled by a Rank 3 Fiery Bulls Horn and slammed hard into the wall. Similarly, Two rank 3 mechs were fighting a Rank 3 Thorn Badger when suddenly from behind a Large ten meter snake threw acid on them and they corroded into puddles.

"Haha, You Fools can't catch me" :said one of the mechs as it opened its wings and flew high above escaping the stampede, however its happiness was short lived as it saw in the sky a Large White Bird whose wingspan alone was 10 meters long.

"NOOOO!!" the mech could only cry in pain as the moment it saw the bird's enormous size, it knew it was a Rank 4 Mutant Bird and that it wouldn't be able to survive.

White Thunder only glanced once at the mech before it dissapeared from its location and appeared before the mech at lightning speed and slashed its talons ripping it apart and consuming its Rank 3 Power Stone. It then screeched hard and soon multiple screeches were heard and hundreds of similar Green Colored Birds albeit smaller came beckoning to its call.

Seeing that scene, the hearts of the mechs below tightened as they knew that their predicament just became many times worse.

Seeing the sitiation becoming worser, one of the Rank 4 Mechs eyes became decisive as it hollered at its subordinates.


Suddenly a Tortoise Blue shield Rose from the center of the Rank 4 Mechs and covered the small amount of mechs left from the initial stampede.

"Sir please i dont wanna die."

"We are doomed."

"Please dont sacrifice us. Please"

The mechs left outside the shield all started pleading and groveling as they knew that only the shield could possibly protect them all and staying outside was tantamount to death.

"Jake you f*****, to think i respected you for all these years" one of the mechs shouted furiously at its superior.

However its words had hardly left its mouth when its head flew in the air and landed on the shield and bounced off. Seeing the severed head made everyone inside extremely sick and sad as they knew that they were partially responsible for this as they had chosen to sacrifice the mechs outside to save themselves.

The mech feeling the most responsible was Jake who was the dead mechs direct superior and was also the first one who chosen to sacrifice the minority to save the majority.

Jake gazed sadly at his former subordinate before looking angrily to find the culprit.

Jake looked up and was shocked when he saw his subordinates body being held by the mutant Monkey in its claws.

But soon that shock turned into anger as jake started cursing profanities at the Mutant Monkey who after killing the mutant beasts also destroyed their chips, obviously this was an extremely intelligent and aggressive mutant beast.

"if it wasn't for that beast, then today my subordinates would have been alive" jake thought to himself as he saw the dead mechs lying around but didnt dare to go seek revenge as he knew that he lacked power to combat the Beast in front of them and would die mercilessly and get his chip crushed at the hands of the mutant monkey.

"15 minutes later" :-

Currently the mood inside the shield was very heavy and so jake in an attempt to placate the mechs told them that he had already notified the headquarters and that they would shortly arrive. However this hardly did anything to brighten the mood and instead made them feel even worser as they would be surviving at their dead comrades expense.

The Mutant Monkey suddenly roared and all of the Mutant Beasts turned their attention to the Shield and started attacking it as if though obeying the Mutant Monkey.

Ripples could be seen forming up on the shield as large number of innate abilities and physical attacks landed on it but the ripples would soon dissipate and the shield would recover its peak condition. After all the shield was powered by 3 Peak Rank 4 Power Stones and multiple Rank 3 Stones and it would be impossible to break through.

This had created confidence among the mechs within that they will be able to survive the stampede, plus with help from heasquarters coming soon, they weren't worried and were only depressed after seeing their brothers in arms die outside of the shield.

The rank 4 mutant bird in the sky also glared coldly at the shield but didnt attack as if it knew that it wouldn't be able to break through.

"So it has a head in its skull." Sneered jake before turning to look at the mutant monkey, his hate apparent. Jake was not worried about the shield being breached through by the rest of the mutant beasts but the vibe of confidence the mutant monkey exuded made him feel uncomfortable as if it could break the shield at any time it desired.

The monkey beasts turned its head towards white thunder in the sky and gave a soft roar after which white thunder flew high in the air before being covered by electricity and proceeding to smash its claws hard on the shield in a downward action.

A large boom sounded out as the shield slightly deformed before returning to its peak condition.

"Hmmph!! You will need much more then that to break this Category 4 Shield." jake said with a hint of pride in his voice brimming with confidence.

The mutant monkey then gave another roar and white thunder flew in the sky even higher then before flying its claws straight into the shield again. This continued several of times before finally a notification sounded out:-

*Shields Power Reduced to 85%*

Even after dozens of attacks by a Rank 4 Peak Mutant Beast, the shield remained standing eith hardly a scratch and thus served to bolster jakes confidence further.

"I already told you its no use."

"Just you wait when i go back, i will personally come to avenge all of my comrades!!!" jake bellowed angrily.

The mutant Monkey stared at the shield slightly irritated before its eyes flashed a dangerous color and it roared loudly.

White Thunder in response flew high in the air until it couldnt be seen right into the clouds before it activated its Blood ability causing electricity to whip out before covering it and forming a whole armor of sorts.

The unique aspect of the electricity was that it was completely white and looked immensely beautifull and majestic at the same time.

White Thunder then screeched and it felt as if the sky was about to split and the atmosphere about to rip apart.

With lightning speed it flew in a downward action at the shield and right before the moment of contact, the mutant monkey at the side who had remained mostly inactive during the fight opened its mouth and spat a few laws of Disruption covering White Thunder.

A large Boom resonated throughout the Battlefield and electricity crackled on the Tortoise Blue Shield threatening to rip it apart.

An ten meter area surrounding the Blue Shield was Burned and the rocks charred black but the shield remained standing.

However instead of being happy, jake couldnt be any more depressed because

*Warning! Shields Defence capabilities reduced to 35%. Please add Two Rank 4 Power Stones for shield to regain maximum Power capacity.*

Jakes face right now was extremely wretched as he thought `where am i gonna get two Rank 4 Power Stone` he had already inputted his spare one and as such was caught in a dilemma.

White Thunder was obviously tired by that fearsome display of power and flew off to rest on one of the branches of a nearby

200 meter plus tree.

The shield had already started recovering its energy reserves but jake knew that it would take quite a while and as such that couldn't be relied on and he quickly needed an alternative.

Suddenly the mutant monkey started walking upto the shield.

Watching him get nearer and nearer, Jake had a tense expression.

With every step the mutant monkey took, his ashen colored scales and hair started to change into golden ones and its body started to baloon up till it reached a staggering twice of the size it previously was.

His aura began to grow in size till it covered the entirety of the canyon. The aura even enveloped the mechs in dread.

The mutant beasts on the other hand all bowed down and even the peak Rank 3 mutant beasts had their heads touching the ground.

White Thunder was no exception and had a slight bow as if though accepting its inferiority infront of the mutant monkey.

The Mutant Monkey was now standing in front of the shield with an astonishing 7 meter height.

It slightly lifted his hands and energy started to revolve around its arm before making its way towards its claws and its claws were enshrouded by a Golden Glow matching the rest of its body.

Its light golden eyes peering into the very hearts of the mechs themself.

The mutant Monkey opened its mouth to mutter something before it threw its punch with all its might instantly shattering apart the shield and the residual force continued to ground two of the nearer Rank 3 Mechs into dust and throw off the other Mechs backwards.

'Shit' jake thought as he turned around to flee but the next second he was galloped in despair as he found out that the mutant monkey was standing in front of him like a Towering Mountain.

Jake's legs collapsed as he felt death to be imminent.

The mutant Monkey opened its claws and made a grabbing gesture towards jakes head in an extremely aloof manner.

"NOOOO" jake screamed in despair as he felt those claws nearing him.

Suddenly a earthshaking boom struck out as the entire left claw of the Mutant Monkey was dented inwards and the resulting force sent it crashing into one of the walls.

'Huh' Jake thought as his brain or in his case his Al Chip simply couldn't comprehend what had just happened.

He had closed off his eyes the moment before the claws were about to touch him and the next moment he opened them , he saw the mutant monkey embedded into one of the walls on his side deeply and was thus instantly wrapped into shock.

'Who?' he thought to himself. He was a victim of The Mutant Monkeys tyrannical prowess and as such couldnt believe what he was seeing.

Suddenly he felt a hand over his shoulder and he looked up to see the culprit and he instantly felt relaxed

It was Lord Cyrops. He had come to save them.

"Its alright now. i am here." Although, it was an extremely short enchange of words, jake completely felt relaxed as he knew that his and his comrades lifes were safe now.

"And as for you all...."​ Lord Cyrops glared at the mutant beasts " I will kill you all!" with that said an extremely dangerous and deadly atmosphere spread around the entire canyon and struck the muatnt beasts causing many of the weaker ones to even struggle with breathing.