Akira's Backstory:-

The situation was extremely grave and cyrops knew that all it was gonna take was one more hit for the shield to collapse but instead of running away he stood there extremely determined.

His determined expression actually made the humanoid cat even more angry and it stretched its claws further and prepared to deliver the final blow.

Akiras POV:-

Seeing cyrops nodding his head so fiercely, Akira realized that he had recieved her message.

"Good now i will be able to execute the final segment of my plan" with that said her eyes glowed bright red and the wings on her back stretched to their limits and she made a sudden turn and made her way towards the mechs side with a speed twice of that she originally had.

The humanoid lizards face contorted as it realized that all this time it was being played by the Red- Winged Mech and in anger it too made a U-Turn back towards the battlefield where Akira was headed.


Flying in the sky, Akria became a bright red streak as she made her way at lightning pace with the red saber in her hand glowing extremely bright red with magma practically dripping out of it.

In a few seconds, she was only a few tens of meters away from of the humanoid cat and slashed her Sabre hard at it.

The humanoid cat which could have easily evaded this strike found itself at a difficult position with the mechs and cyrops at either side forming a v shape with their shields and with akira coming in from back made it impossible for it to evade.

Dejected it swung its claw to meet the Sabre.

If it was any other strenght based mutant beast, then they could hope to block this attack but with the humanoid mutant cat being agility based and weaker them it's strength based counterparts, it obviously didn't have a good ending.


The claws could hold the sabre in place for only a few seconds before the sabre tore them apart and in a straight line went cutting its body in half.

The humanoid cat fell in two pieces with its fur singed and its meat charred black.

" Incredible."

"As expected of Misses." the mechs expressions were immediately rejuvenated as they began to praise Akira.

" Gather everyone. We will immediately depart and have the mech beasts cover us" Akira said as she gazed at the condition of the mechs.

Although they managed to stop the humanoid cat beast, it proved to be very tiresome and they needed immediate rest and regroup their forces.

Thus not tiring her subordinates any further, she gave the order to retreat.

"Cyrops!!" Akira called out "Good job"

Cyrops bravely stopped the mutant cats assault and this caused her to respect him.

"Anything for our missus" cyrops replied happily as he bathed in the envious gazes of the surrounding mechs.

"Good then head out" akira said and turned her face backwards.

The moment she turned in the opposite direction to retreat, she felt a strong gust of wind pass through. She tried to dodge and was barely successful. She then heard a strong *boom* behind her and when sbe turned back she saw the entire shield formation was destroyed and the culprit was a single golden spear.

*Crackels* could be heard as the entire hillside was covered with Blue streaks of electricity.

Akiras forehead was covered with sweat as she saw the humanoid lizard from before making its way towards her. The spear was obviously thrown by it. however soon that worry changed into firm determination as she picked up her Saber and said: "if death is what u desire, then be my guest."

"4th stage: Fierce Flame General Body!!!"

Suddenly her body started to change.

The 4 wings retreated back in her body and instead two new Light red wings with excellent patterns sprouted from her back.

Her body became another meter tall reaching a staggering height of 6 meters.

The sabre in her hand had the biggest change.

It grew smaller and more smaller till it was slightly taller then half of its original size. The magma that previously surrounded the sabre retreated and became more concentrated into a bright Red Glow, redder then the reddest of blood.

Similarly from behind, her aura converged to form a huge red Dragon that was more then a hundred meters tall.

The Dragon looked like a flaming sun as it stood there giving an oppressive feeling to its viewers.


"I can't believe i am lucky enough to witness a Dragon Level Aura." the surrounding mechs cheered as they now felt more confident in their victory.

The Humanoid lizard stood there cautiously staring at its opponents rising Aura. However it stood its ground with no signs of it retreating.

Suddenly as if it had made up its mind, the humanoid Mutant lizard started walking towards akira.

With each step it took, dark blue aura started oozing out of it's body at insane rates before condensing and forming a Blue shaped dragon similar to Akiras in size and shape with the exception that it had electricity covering it instead of flames like akiras one had.

The two dragons now stood facing each other.

Their very presence causing the sky to shake and the ground to tremble.

A vast part of the sky was covered with Red flames and Blue electricity constantly clashing with each other.

The mutant beasts and the mechs below were shivering in fear as they couldn't withstand the incredible might of the dragons above.

Their aura and presence itself was so powerfull and domineering that nobody dared to even breathe less fight and they could only watch on as their fates would be decided by this fight between the two individuals.

Akira and the mutant Lizard looked at each other in a determined manner waiting for the other party to strike first.

*Boom* the lizard striked first.

It cannon bolted towards akira using its massive muscular legs.

Akira not being any slower used her wings to fly towards the lizard leaving a blazing trail in her wake.

Akira striked hard with her sabre in a sideways manner while the lizard used its spear to poke hard at her sabre.

Ta the same time the two dragons in the sky crashed at each other.

*BOOOOOMMMM* earth shaking violent ripples spread across the battlefield as did a white blur causing everyone around it to fall unconcious.