Wild Girl

Wei Xin was looking at the street to flag down a cab for herself, but the street seemed to be visibly empty with no cabs in sight.

The reason was simple, Wu Mansion was located in one of the poshest and most expensive lands of C City where people rarely looked for cabs. It would be like an insult for them to flag one down.

She sighed and walked out of the locality passing the security checks. Her head and heart, both were aching. All the way she was continuously rubbing her forearms to produce some heat in her body as she was feeling really cold ever since she left Wu Zihao's car.

She waited for sometime after which a black Volkswagen stopped in front of her. She frowned and thought it has stopped for someone else, therefore she walked a few steps further away to look for cabs, murmuring a curse under her breath. "Idiot person, can't he see I am waiting for a cab?"