The Man Outside Was... Wu Zihao?

Wu Zihao looked at the waitress with a nonchalant expression on his face, who had just told him that they don't serve dumplings. "Is that so?"

The waitress nodded in her response. It was a small coffee place that served mostly western food items and a few other snacks and dessert along with the beverages that it was known for, but they didn't have dumplings.

"Well then do it now and remember not to make it spicy. She should be able to eat it easily" With that, he pulled out his chequebook from his jacket's inner pocket, signed a cheque for fifteen thousand yuan and slammed it lightly on the table like it was tissue. Well, to him it actually was nothing more than tissue. "Also till the time you bring it, get her a milkshake."

The waitress looked dumbfounded and her jaw dropped to the floor seeing the amount on the cheque. She was at a loss for words and could only manage to say "Um-sir..." for half of the day.