A Warrior's Rest

Fell spend another hour there, deepening his relationship with Moha. Having felt the pain of losing someone for the first time, he promised himself to take care of his close one.

"Take care of yourself old man," said Fell while leaving the room.

On his face was a carefree smile, he left the small apartment and went in the direction of Gladiator's Heaven. He soon arrived in front of the eccentric construct, he swiftly stepped inside, his steps walking towards his room.

His steps echoing in the quiet building, he quickly arrived in his room and swiftly stepped inside. Closing the door behind him, he sighed from exhaustion before throwing himself in his bed. He soundlessly fell asleep; his body and mind were utterly worn from today's experience.

The next morning, every single inhabitant of the slums noticed a strange detail. DarkSun completely disappeared from New Casablanca, no member was present in the Slums' streets. The homeless that noticed last night's scene were horrified and quickly left the scene, afraid of being hurt in a crossfire during Fell's entrance in the manor. Soon, the first few courageous youngsters stepped inside, smiting their senses in shambles.

First was the deadly silence that made their heart pound, followed by a horrendous smell. Then came the view, in front of the citizens was a long trail of dismembered corpses, bathing in a pool of blood and innards.

Jake was a homeless beggar from the slums, he lived in the long street close to the DarkSun's manor. He was here when the black-haired swordsman began his assault, he came back to check the place where the action happened. He didn't expect the horrifying scene that was in front of him.

"Oh my…" a grunt followed from his lips, his throat contracted preventing him from finishing his sentence. Nausea clawed at his throat, he tried to contain himself as much as he could, but it was just too much to take. He threw up, chunks of his meager breakfast escaped from his lips. He cleaned his face and coughed up in disgust before he left the scene.

Not long after that, the news of DarkSun's demise spread in the New Casablanca Slums. One of the city's most virulent cancer was swiftly dealt with in a single night. Their reign of tyranny on New Casablanca's underworld was ended by a mysterious black-haired swordsman. Some spectators of Gladiator's Heaven connected him with the rising stars of the Master Rank Fell Pluck, making his name spread thought New Casablanca's city. His figure soon was associated with last night's assailant, making Gladiator's Heaven crowded with people wanting to know the truth.

For the first time in a long time, Fell skipped his morning routine. The sun was already at its highest, everyone in the city was talking about his feats. But, he was still in his bed, quietly recovering in his sleep. Last night took a tremendous toll to his mind, leaving him physically and mentally profoundly worn.

His body was gradually changing, having been put in a situation of intense stress. It was smoothly achieving a breakthrough, advancing in the Mid-Level Physique Molding realm. Strangely, small sparks were running through his veins, the lightning energy residues were swiftly being absorbed by his Body, firmly consolidating his foundation.

Strangely, as he continued absorbing the lightning residue in his body, a microscopic arc of light bloomed close to his navel. The arc of light started running through his body, carving energy pathways through his flesh. As it continued in its road, it started absorbing the energy it encountered, quickly growing into a small string of lightning energy.

The small lightning string began competing with Fell's body, both of them absorbing the leftover lightning-based energy that was dispersed in Fell's body.

Soon under both absorption, no trace of lightning could be found on his body. Except the lightning string of energy that grew up after the incorporation. Transforming into a small snake formed from pure destructive lightning.

During its absorption, it was constantly carving pathway thought Fell's body to move around. And having to travel through all of his body, it ended up carving up a set of energy pathways in his body.

The little snake started looking around, traveling endlessly through the pathway it carved. It soon stopped, disappointed to have failed its food quest. It quickly ran to Fell's navel before disappearing, nowhere to be found in Fell's body.

The oddity disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Fell was still in a deep sleep, clueless to the occurrence that just happened inside of his body. His body finished recovering as soon as his Body cultivation base consolidated, firmly stepping in the middle step of his realm.

Soon Fell gradually woke up from his sleep. Feeling his body's condition, he was surprised to have recovered entirely.

He noticed that his breakthrough naturally happened in his sleep, the barrier that separated him from the next realm was already as thin as a piece of paper, it was only a matter of time. Added with last night's fight. He wasn't taken back by his sudden breakthrough.

"I should check the content of the last cultivation Crystal, there is also that strange manual that I looted last night. The might Vicious Zhang achieved with it was mind-blowing," he thought, memories from last night's fight flooded in his brain.

A greedy smile appeared on his youthful face, Vicious Zhang's lightning energy was especially attractive to Fell, he was longing for a power awakening. He swiftly took out the two items, his smile deepened on his face when he grabbed the cultivation crystal.

Memories from his past pains resurfaced, he instantly shut down any hesitation in his thought and put the crystal between his eyebrows. Knowledge flooded in his brain, an intense torrent of information shocked him still. A slight trembling traversed his body, but opposed to his expectations, he felt no pain.

The usual sensation of his brain being carved didn't appear, he felt as if his mind was a black hole absorbing every piece of content contained in the crystal. Three sentences appeared in his mind, endlessly reverberating in his soul.

"Energy Cultivation! Awaken a universe!"

"Energy Cultivation! Condense a universe!"

"Energy Cultivation! Govern a universe!"