Factory Sector (Part Two)

As Fell felt himself descend straight into the earth, his thoughts were fixed on the factory sector. The bizarre vibes left him intrigued; he wanted to discover whatever was happening down there.

Feeling that the elevator was decelerating, he focused his senses, sending his questions in the back of his mind. The metallic door of the elevator opened, a red light escaped from it, bathing Fell in a cascade of luminescence.

Due to his body's cultivation, the blinding flash of light didn't bother his eyesight; he could see an ample space in front of him. It was a large foundry filled with steel machinery; the machines kept pulsating flashy red light while mechanically clapping loud booming sounds.

"An underground facility was necessary, so much noise would have spread everywhere if it wasn't done so far in the depth of the earth!" He thought while advancing on his road.

The spacious room was packed to the brim with machines; they were aligned in a weird array of glowing pipes and steel wires. As Fell moved forward, he noticed that some devices were different. Although, his skills in engineering were low and he couldn't understand what use they had.

As he observed the mechanical array, he marveled at the skills one needed to craft something so precise. As he advanced in his path, he noticed a machine with several mechanical arms. It moved its arms with surgical precision; each movement was perfect, it was in the middle of assembling something that looked like a hand.

The mechanic hand was swiftly crafted under the several machine arms' work, their precision and speed of work left Fell baffled. It promptly grabbed several components and finished the last metallic silver piece before passing it to other machines in front of it, he watched at his sides and noticed that several mechanisms were doing the same. Each one crafting a single body part, the chain started from the simplest part and were gradually assembled as they advanced down the foundry.

"The first few lines of machine forges and craft the basic component, then the basic components are transported to those armed machines that use the components to craft mechanical body part," he assessed while advancing in the middle of the mechanical array.

He understood the use of this room; his steps accelerated due to his curiosity. He didn't get the opportunity to see them clearly before as the androids outside were too far away.

His curiosity lifted his steps as he swiftly traversed the vast area, jumping over some machine, the way in front of him cleared and he saw what he was looking for.

In front of him were several android body pieces being assembled by a gigantic machine, it used its multitude of arms to grab the steel pieces and gathered them.

Fell stopped in its track; he quietly observed the machine executing its orders.

Not long after that, his curiosity was satiated when the assembling process was finished. In front of him was a metallic android, its stainless white-colored steel skin reflected the ambient red light. Its size was similar to an average human, approaching one hundred and eighty centimeters. Its frame was also identical to a man, its muscles were clearly defined, and the structure of its joints was too similar to a human being.

Its eyes flashed with a crystal clear blue light, an endless succession of numbers flashed on its mechanical eyeball.

Fell was taken back by what was happening; he readied himself as he didn't know how the android might react.

The metallic figure trembled as it was in the process of awakening, its code was currently being engraved into its main chip. Its eyes flashed for the last time before calming down, its face turned in the direction of Fell.

Fell stayed motionless; he was ready to take out Soldier's Fortune from his Spatial Pocket at any moment.

"Detecting Human. Range 5 meters. Searching database for authorized access. Zero. Unauthorized Individual. Take security measures."

The freshly born Android swiftly analyzed Fell's facial features in the database of authorized personnel, finding no similar element in the database, its defense program was immediately activated.

Its central engine started rotating, a stream of light flowed from the space between its body part. Energy streamed all over its body, making its way to smaller engines that were situated in its shoulder and knee joints. The joint engines kicked off; an acute noise escalated as energy accumulated in them.

"Eliminate!" Android announced before as fire escaped from behind its shoulder, projecting him straight in the direction of Fell.

"Heaven and Earth Energy!" Fell exclaimed in a loud voice, as he sensed that the energy used by the android had the same nature as the one that currently flowed in his meridians.

Intense heat accumulated in the Android left hand, as his energy steadily flowed in it.

The Android appeared in front of Fell in the blink of an eye; his left hand pointed right in Fell's nose. It released its build-up energy. An Energy ray rushed from a cannon in its palm, engulfing Fell in a torrent of Heaven and Earth Energy.

Fell's view was washed with a torrent of blue, he crossed his arm in a defensive stance and prepared himself to endure the blow. He was soon surprised to discover that it wasn't dealing any damage to him, it was the exact opposite that was happening.

As the Energy came in contact with his body, his pores opened and engulfed every speck of Energy that touched him. The freshly absorbed energy entered Fell's already filled meridians, expanding them and tempering them in the process.

It cycled through his Energy pathway, purifying his energy in the process. It swiftly rushed thought his meridians, causing him to grit his teeth due to having to support the rough property of the energy.

It traversed his entire body, causing trembling through his body as it hit the walls of his meridian. A pained grunt escaped from his lips as the hazardous energy started building up inside his filled meridians.

"Crap if this energy continues to build up in my meridians. Even with my bodily strength, I might explode!" Fell cursed in his mind as he was desperately looking for a solution.