Factory Sector (Part Five)

A dazzling light escaped from the sword wound in the middle of the Android's torso, the thick line extended all the way to his metallic skull, sectioning him in two.

Fell breathed out as he watched the Android crumbled in half on the floor, his respiration was weak as a deep fist-imprint shaped dent could be visible on his chest. 

Fell took the hit. His chest caved in and half of his ribs shattered. Their bone fragments pierced through his lungs, causing him to grit his teeth in pain every time he used his diaphragm.

"That was close." He thought while approaching the dismembered Android; its eyes were still flashing with a solid blue light.

He moved forward while fixating its crystal-clear mechanic eyeballs, his sluggish steps resonated in the noisy room. A shiver traversed his body; fear took upon his heart as he thought of the repercussion that could have happened if he delayed the fight.

"This machine's learning potential is terrifying. Our fight lasted only for a few moments, but it managed to injure me this much."

He asked himself what their limit was, how strong could the Android have gotten if he left him with enough time to develop its fighting experience.

"I can't afford to test their limit. As long as I'm in unknown territory, I should play it safe and defeat them before they turn into threats!" Fell decided as he stopped in his track. The left part of the android's head was close to his feet; Fell could see its eyes incessantly flash with a crystal-clear blue light.

Its eyes produced an intense light as if it was burning the entirety of its life force in its last breath. Its lips trembled before opening, a deep buzzing voice originating from its electronic vocal cord escaped from them.

"Eliminate Intruder. Operation Failed. Execute Protocol 62. Authorization in the process. Access Denied. Execute Protocol 0000. Execute Countdown. 10. 9. 8. 7…" A bright flare bloomed on its left dissected part, energy accumulated in the spot where its heart was.

"Cr*p! Why can't you just die!" he thought while trying to rush outside the room. His sluggish steps turned into a forced long stride that was powered with his sheer willpower.

"6. 5. 4…" Noticing that he couldn't leave the room in time, he changed his initial plan.

Dashing to his left, he noticed a small spot between two machines that could shield him. He immediately slid on the steely floor, sneaking under a line of work instruments.

"3. 2…"

He slipped between two furnaces that blocked his field of view, and swiftly put his head between his arms.

"1." An incandescent blue light flared from the Android's heart; deep crystal-clear light rushed out of the Androids body.

The light swiftly grew up in size, turning into a gigantic halo of light that ate the space of the Foundry. The dome of light expanded in the blink of an eye, it encompassed the entirety of the room filling it with a bright blue hue.

Fell didn't expect this situation to happen at all. The explosion that he was waiting for simply didn't occur. Instead, his vision was blinded by the crystal blue light, giving the place a strange vibe.

The light expanded further to its limit, exceeding the underground construct. Before it swiftly rushed back, before entering the Android's body.

"Data Collected." A fragmented voice escaped from its lips, the crystal-clear light in the depth of its eyes died.

A dumbfounded expression was plastered on Fell's face; his mouth was thoroughly unlocked as if his chin was dislocated.

"Fuck!" Fell cursed while leaving his hideout. He tiptoed in the direction of the inanimate Android; his eyesight fixed on its metallic frame, he was ready to run at any moment's notice.

He safely approached the dismembered Android, his nerves were tensed, and his breath was weak. His eyes fixated the machine, ready to catch any slight movement.

Noticing that it genuinely was dead, he breathed out, and a tired sigh escaped from his lips.

Soon shame took over him as he remembered his past action, he swiftly kicked the android's head.

"Take this! Take this! Having to make me crawl and hide like a bug!" He thought out loud as he lashed his anger on the Android's carcass.

He sent a few kicks crashing on the metallic frame; he emptied his angered heart on its corpse. Cursing and spitting on it, he soon finished clearing his mind.

Fell rarely reacted this way; he always used to control and filter his feelings. But ever since he cleared his mental demons in his first Soul cultivation session, he began acting in accordance with his beliefs.

Thus, his childish act of beating the Androids dead body was his way of clearing his feelings; he soon finished bullying the steely lifeless body.

A bashful grin appeared on his face as he finished calming down, he looked down at the few scattered body parts with a satisfied smile before moving forward.

He left the Foundry and arrived in a large passageway. Several doors could be seen on the side of the hall, going Fell puzzled in front of the maze-like construct.

He stepped in the direction of the first door on his left, the silver door automatically opened in front of him. Stepping in, he examined the room with his blade in hand; his eyes darted everywhere as he was ready to strike at any moment.

His tensed nerves calmed down when he noticed that the room he entered was empty, he breathed out while identifying its content.

The room wasn't too big. In fact, compared to the gigantic Foundry, it could be called a locker. In the middle of the narrow room was a square box, it was made of the same alloy that was used to construct the underground facility, an incredibly durable steel that could even resist Fell's monstrous punch.

"Leaving my body in this state will only hinder me in my path. Even if my recovery speed is astonishing, I should play it safe and focus on recovering before advancing more." He assessed before sitting on top of the square box.

He closed his eyes, focusing himself on controlling his thin breath. Not long after that, his breathing spread through the small room, producing ripples in the air.