Slight Problem

Inside an apartment that was situated on the top floor of one of the main district's buildings, a young man was facing the mirror of the bathroom. His youthful face was spotless without a blemish, and his amber colored eyes gave an ancient feel as if they saw through time itself.

His clear amber colored eyes were suffused with a strange calmness that created a massive contrast with his juvenile face.

He was standing naked in front of a mirror, and his body was still wet from the shower he just took. A water droplet slid down from a strand of his hair and fell down on his lean shoulders. Then it slid further down his body drifting along the lines of his muscles.

His physique was as impressive as his face. A strange balance between slightly bulky muscles and highly flexible tendons; His muscles frame was balanced, and every single one of his muscles was clearly demarcated as if he was an ancient Greek God sculpture.

The young man was Fell Pluck, and the apartment he was using was his current house in the main districts. A week has passed since the West PD incident, and he decided to use the last credit card he looted from DarkSun Gang to rent a decent-sized apartment in one of New Casablanca's best housing skyscraper.

That day, after his fight with the nobleman concluded, and with the discovery of the nobleman's body state. Everyone was horrified by the degree of his injury, but what left them all shivering were what they found inside his body.

Several spore-like tentacles were squirming inside his flesh, but they died out a few minutes after their discovery. Disappearing as soon as they appeared, this incident left the individuals that saw the scene doubt their eyes.

Walter arrived in the scene after they disappeared, and he couldn't understand why everyone was panicking. With serious doubts in his mind, he helped Fell leave the Police Department and showed him around before dropping him close to a housing agency.

After spending a week in the main district, he managed to understand the circumstance of New Casablanca.

The city was currently under the control of four noble families. The Tagerio Family managed the Eastern side of the city; their influence was deeply ingrained in the area as they had the monopoly of Tech-Industry.

The Henry's family controlled the north side of New Casablanca, and their position as a noble family came from their long history with the food industry. Their existence could be traced back to the dawn of the city, at a time where the Slums didn't exist.

The Merendinis family also secured their spot as a top family due to their ancient lineage. Their work was and will always be the external security of the city. They were the city front guard, and their noble status was the most legit for Fell. They controlled the Southern side of the city.

The last noble family was the one that controlled the city's internal security. Moreover, Fell already met one of their members. The slicked hair man was part of the Golden family, and according to the research that Fell did. They were the least popular in the main districts, and it was due to the iron-handed grasp they had on the police force.

The Golden Family was a particular case even inside the Noble Families, and that was due to their control on the police force that they not only controlled the west side of New Casablanca. Their influence extended all over the rest of the city.

Due to the existence of these four families, New Casablanca was jointly controlled by four entities, and it was due to this that the Slums came to life. No family wanted to lessen its influence by going to such a rotten place.

Fell sighed as he looked at himself in front of the mirror. Ever since that day, he expected repercussions from the Golden family; But no one came knocking on his door, and this situation left him in a somewhat tense state.

He was ready to welcome them with a fight, but if they didn't come to him, he would leave them alone. He wasn't in the mood to confront them.

He slightly rotated his Body cultivation base with a thought, sending his blood rushing through his veins. His body's internal temperature spiked in a single breath, and all the water that was in the surface of his skin and hair began evaporating.

"Cultivators really have it easy…" He calmly assessed while looking at his body that was drying at an absurd speed.

"Talking about cultivation, ever since I broke through in the Massin Martial Art. I can feel that my weight completely disappeared."

"It's… as if I'm walking on clouds!" He pondered while applying slight pressure on his toes. This simple action caused him to hop instantly; he dashed vertically through the room attaining the three-meter-high ceiling with ridiculous ease.

The tip of his nose brushed against the ceiling at the peak of his ascension, before he began falling down. He landed on the luxurious carpet that was on the floor without producing any noise.

"Good! It looks like I can finally control my body again!" He exclaimed loudly with a beaming smile. A wry smile appeared on his face as he thought about the hell that he had to pass through the past week.

After his Fist Art breakthrough, his body got accustomed to the MechSuit ridiculous weight. The downside of this accomplishment was that he completely lost control of his strength. As soon as he took a step out of the body fitting armor, he broke the test room steel floor.

Since then, his only acquaintances in the main district avoided him like the plague. They were too afraid that he might squash them in bits, and in the end, they were right. He could only bid his time and do his best to regain control of his body as fast as he could.

Thankfully, the trouble just ended, and he could finally go back to society without fearing to kill anyone with a slight mishap.

He excitedly put on his trousers and vest, and he sent an order to his AI.

"AI, call Walter and tell him that my problem is fixed!"

He prepared himself, excited to finally be able to tour around the shining city.