Elevator's Music

And that was how Fell spent the night. Each time he finished analyzing a red dot, a wave of pain would wash over his body and brain. He would tremble endlessly while sitting on a chair. His eyes' condition worsened with each usage of Blood Detection, but he would ignore it and grit his teeth while reactivating it.

Time passed and dawn was making its way. In the midst of his tiredness, he looked outside of his apartment. A magnificent view of the sun slowly making its way to the sky appeared in his sight. The breathtaking scene took off his mind from cultivation for a second.

"And another red dot. At least, this one ain't filled with mysteriousness…", he thought as he watched the astral fireball illuminate the city with its first tender light rays. "I heard it was just a huge ball of hydrogen, in its core the hydrogen turns into helium through fusion. This fusion produces a terrifying amount of energy", an article he read about the sun flashed in his mind.

He gradually calmed down as he forgot everything about Blood Detection, his sight was fixed on the rising sun as his chest also rose up and down. He fully breathed in, filling his lungs to their maximum capacity. Then, he breathed out, emptying all the oxygen that was in his breath. As his breathing technique cycled, his mind was cleansed from all the frustration that came with his earlier failures. After a few minutes, he was back to an optimum state.

"What if the red dots are thought as stars?" As he calmed down, he began seeing the red dots from another point of view. "What If I take the red dots as hydrogen. Then its essence should be the helium in fusion inside the blood essence's core", his eyes flashed with several lights due to his brain processing many computations in a few moments. "What turns hydrogen into helium is heat, then what is the factor that condenses blood into, pure, blood essence…" His mind pondered on the subject as he felt he was getting closer to the truth.

At this point, Fell didn't even care about the blood-related treasures. It was his kindled pride as a cultivator that was lit up; And like a candle in the dark, as long as his passion existed it would keep lighting his surroundings in his search of higher mysteries. That was Fell's truest quality as a cultivator, it was his intense curiosity and unbreakable will that made him pursue the mysteries of the blood essence.

"I need to go take a walk… practicing Blood Detection here will half my progress. I need to analyze a wider variety of blood essence. Only then will I get a slight chance at understanding the essence of my own blood", Fell's character made him immediately leave his apartment as soon as he took the decision.

He washed his face and put on a casual attire he had found in the dressing room. Then he left the apartment, leaving the still sleeping Wind's inside.

As it was still early in the morning. He met no one from his floor, and the few he met were leaving for their job. He soundlessly arrived in front of the elevator and pressed the button. He was waiting for the elevator to get to his floor. He activated Blood Detection for a slight instant and detected one red dot that was descending the building at a fast pace.

"Seventh floor, Apartment 73", He judged as he saw the elevator's door open. He had used Blood Detection so many times that his familiarity with the nearby resident could be said to be incredible. He could detect precisely detect them in the middle of a mob of thousands.

Inside the elevator was a young woman. Her constitution could be said to be extraordinary for a human based on Fell's analysis. Even for a youth, her blood constitution made her one of the most interesting "subjects" he studied during the night.

"Hello." He greeted with a nod as he entered the elevator. The young woman didn't hear his voice as if she had a pair of headphones on her head, but she saw his nod and mimicked Fell.

As he eyed her physique, his eyes lit up as he couldn't help himself but be surprised.

"So this is what it meant that fresh quality in the blood essence meant youth…", what interested him wasn't the girl's features. But the expression of her blood essence on her own body.

"Blood is heavily influenced by genes… But genes are also influenced and express themselves differently in accordance with each individual's life." He assessed as he discreetly inspected her.