Ready for the brawl

As soon as he began feeding his newly created sword arts to his MMA, changes began occurring inside of his talent tree. Had he opened this specific tab in Battle Center's interface, he would have noticed that the evolution of his stars was taking yet another advancement.

The silver in the middle of his martial star was gradually spreading to the edge and as if afraid from it, the bronze color in the star fled to the edge of the star.

He had ample practice in phase I to develop an early form for his swordless martial art. Added to the fact that its origin was the Massin Martial Art, he didn't encounter any difficulty in the process of fusing it with his sword arts.

Fell used frenetic physical effort and doubled with his creative mental gymnastics. He executed the original Massin Martial Art that was taught to him by Anzar, his fists and legs moved in sync as they executed the deeply engrained form.

His avatar's muscles bulged and moved in a strange rhythm, his joints aligned themselves as his body went through the art's several forms. His moves were sometimes slow yet seemed fast, and the opposite would happen in the following moves. Every movement was perfectly executed. If Anzar's figure in Fell's memory was superposed on him, there would be no difference. He finished the session with the last form and resumed without a pause.

Only this time, sharpness equal to the one he had when he used his sword appeared when he executed the Massin Martial Art stances. He incorporated his different sword arts into each of the MMA's multiple forms. He quickly ended one revolution of the Massin Martial Art Forms.

He felt a tingling sensation in his limb every time his hand cut through the wind with ease. He felt as if any casual move from his limbs could cut through a wall. A beaming smile appeared on his face as he enjoyed the current practice.

He felt himself progressing at a fast pace, he wanted to show those geniuses what he was worth. He wanted to prepare himself to the best of his abilities before facing them. He would engrain the name Stroke through their head. Although Fell wouldn't be known. Being recognized through Stroke's altar didn't change much to him. He would still reveal himself to the cultivation community.

Time gradually passed and with each MMA's revolution, he entered a deep battle state. His legs danced on the fighting ring, he would sometimes dash forward in a similar piercing motion of "Sun Below". Other times his movement technique would turn elusive and obscure. Although Fell was always good when it came to his running speed, he had always found that he was quite lacking when it came to his movement technique.

He only knew how to engage frontally and knew it would become a major flaw if he didn't develop movement techniques. Thus, he used the opportunity to try developing a basic movement technique or two that would grow with his Massin Martial Art.

"I will call them 'Solary Dive' and 'Ghostly Stutter'!"

Finally, his movement stopped and he quickly recovered his breathing. If he had done this training in the real world. He would have sweat buckets, but now inside Battle Center he felt as if he could keep up for days and days without feeling anything at all.

He looked towards the other mountains peaks in the horizon and exclaimed himself loudly, his voice boomed in the empty ring.

"Senior Mountain, Sorry to bother you, but how do I practice with the fellow martial artists that are in this phase."

"Ho ho ho, you finally are ready. I thought you were going to keep training for an eternity! Ho ho ho…" The voice issued a joke before going on a laughing streak. Fell didn't know how to react so he simply smiled politely and waited for the eccentric mountain to finish.

It took it a few seconds before resuming its grounded focus. Then it strangely coughed a few times with a bashful tone before continuing its speech.

"Stand in the middle of the Battle Center, I will activate the matchmaking system for you. Open your eyes to the other worlds, young one, and fight to your fill!

"I will!" Fell exclaimed as his clenched fists shook from his excitation. He swiftly trotted towards the center of the fighting stage and patiently waited.

"Ready?!" The old voice resounded in the ready. The humor in its voice was long gone, and Fell could sense the seriousness in its tone.

"Always!" Fell responded with a confident smile on his face. He had done everything he could to attain the best condition possible. If there existed any monstrous genius out there, he would face him and show him who he was!