Ghostly Stutter

His feet lightly brushed the ground in a rhythmic pattern. "Ghostly Stutter" was a movement technique that was more focused on the assassination arts. When executing this art, his movement would become similar to his soft swordplay. Unpredictability was the main focus of this technique, making the opponent doubt your future movement was all that mattered.

Although speed wasn't Ghostly Stutter's specialty. Fell disappeared from the purple clothed man's view as soon as he executed the technique. Not even half a breath after, he disappeared from the fighting ring. He reappeared behind the man, his hand formed a knife form and it directly descended toward his opponent's neck. The blow cut through the air with lightning-like speed and was aimed straight at the opponent's neck. A single hit would be enough to end the fight with a broken spine.

But the purple clothed martial artist didn't stay where he was and swiftly evaded Fell's blow. The scene repeated itself several times, where Fell and the purple clothed man kept trying to burst the opponent with a surprise attack.

The battle soon turned into a battle of baits and wits. Both opponents could end the fight in a single blow, thus making the current battle hard on their minds. Each step had its importance as both opponents' win conditions were the same.

Their moves, ephemeral and slippery, were being executed one after the other. Their feet would glide on the ground forward before defying the laws of physics and changes direction. His opponent was particularly talented when it came to his assassination's art, giving Fell a plethora of new options to add to his "Ghostly Stutter".

Under this special state, the fight was stalled as both opponents kept using the same type of technique, but it was to avail as they kept countering each other. Fell was especially happy under this circumstance, as his opponent kept showing him incredible movement techniques.

"Incredible, who would have thought that it was possible to evade this blow like this!" Fell exclaimed in his mind as he saw his opponent evade his attack by letting himself drop to the ground in the last moment. Then the purple clothed man rebounded on the ground as if his back was made from springs. It was then that a change happened to his facial expression. Since the beginning of the fight, it had stayed expressionless. But now, Fell could swear that he saw the man smirk lightly for a second.

He didn't know if the other man was also enjoying their fights. But his opponent's next move solidified his thought as he dashed in a strange straightforward way toward Fell. He dropped all of the elusiveness back and quickly reached his top speed.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Fell and his upper limbs flickered. A barrage of knife blows was swiftly executed by the purple clothed martial artist and was aimed toward several points on Fell's body. The onslaught of knife strokes weren't just random stabs, each blow had a varying angle and a specific purpose.

"You're finally revealing yourself!" Fell thought as his hand moves. Slapping several attacks that were aimed for his weak points in his form, he swiftly understood the danger of his opponent's straightforward tactics.

"Although he is making this look like a frontal attack, he is waiting for me to get absorbed by his rhythm!" He thought as he took a step back while swatting a blow that was aimed at his heart. "Terrifying! If he had used this tactic from the very beginning, I might have fallen for it! But now that I know what you are looking for, this is easy!"

Taking a step forward, he mimicked his opponent and unleashed dozens of attacks with his four limbs. If his opponent had only his two knives as a lethal way of attacking, Fell's martial art gave him the same effect as turning his limbs into weapons. His fingers, his joints, every extremity of his body that could generate and transfer power were used during his attack.

Although Fell wasn't as good as the purple clothed man when it comes to his ability to bait and fake his actions. He did have his own ways to finish the fight without using his sword. What he was doing now was waiting for his opponent to reveal his technique's true fangs. He would play along with him, waiting patiently for the moment to counter his opponent's real attack.