Second Meeting

Fell's eyebrows rose as he heard her curse him, but he didn't take it at heart as he thought she must have hurt herself badly in the fall. He extended his hand toward her in an attempt to help her, but she slapped his hand away and took her time in getting up.

  Fell didn't know if he should laugh or cry in front of the scene as he saw her execute strange movements in an attempt to get back on her feet. But her senses were in shambles due to the intoxication and her anger toward Fell.

  She soon abandoned and looked coldly toward Fell. He gazed at her with cold but fiery eyes, puzzled at what action he should take.

  "Fuck! I didn't think that uncle Zhang would be so right about women. The hell are those strange creatures?!", he thought as he lost himself in the beauty of her pupils.

  As she saw the youth in front of her look deeply in her eyes. Anger flashed in her eyes as she thought he was mocking her. But how could she know that Fell had very few interactions with the female gender? In the core, he was used to minding his own business. In particular when survival was what always mattered there. He had never learned how to socialize and how to act with them. Not like he was interested in the hookers there. But that still made Fell an individual that never happened to develop social skills that were up to the norms.

  Time ticked slowly as they kept looking at each other's eyes. Tahlya soon enough understood that the man in front of her really wouldn't help her get on her two legs. Her head dropped low as she weakly extended a hand forward, Fell wasn't sure if this was an act of her or if she was genuinely asking for help.

  His hand extended and touched hers, the first thing he felt was her soft rosy supple skin. As he touched her hand, he felt that the sensation was very pleasing and slid his finger slightly on her hand to get the same feeling again. Her head dropped down even lower and a tinge of red could be seen on her neck. Thankfully, it was currently very late at night and no one was around in the tutorial floor to see that.

  "Stop dozing off", a little voice escaped from her lips. She bit her lips as she raised her head toward Fell. Fell's heart skipped a beat as he saw her face. He didn't know if it was due to the fact that she was drunk or if it was just his mind. But he found that the ashamed Tahlya was particularly cute.

  Those feelings were new to the young man; thus he decided to keep teasing her for a few more seconds, before finally lending a hand. Time seemed to crawl in Tahlya's perspective as she soon turned into a red tomato and finally, she couldn't take it anymore and began cursing Fell again.

  Finally, he used a little bit of strength and she was back on both of her feet. She looked at Fell one last time while gnashing her teeth, her eyes glowed with a fiery-red light in the dim lighted narrow hall. But seeing that Fell kept looking at her as if she was a cute kitten, she finally had had enough and turn around. She stomped on the ground to calm her nerves and began walking. She opened her lips and exclaimed without turning around.

  "Follow me to my office, There are several matters that need to be discussed", She swiftly said without any of the drunkenness that she seemed to be under earlier.

  As he saw her pretty figure walk away and heard what she said, Fell stepped forward as he quickly caught up with her.

  "What kinds of things?" He asked as curiosity took over him. As she moved in front of him, he could see her charming behind sway left and right. His sight seemed to magically be attracted to it.

  "Not much of a big deal, only something that could change your future", She answered in a swift manner while moving her hands as if it was only some small talk. "And mine too", she added in her mind before sighing.

  They soon arrived in front of the elevator; Tahlya extended her hand that contained a magnetic card and swiped it near the side of the elevator's door.

  The metallic door frame of the elevator split in half revealing its interior. Both of them entered it, Tahlya pressed a dial before looking straight into Fell's eyes.

  "How did your first three matches go in the tutorial's phase II?" She asked as concern appeared in her eyes.