From Streams to Rivers Part Three

The youth sat naked on the cold steel made floor of the training hall, he sat there with eyes closed as he took pleasure in the joy of survival. Due to the earlier events, he had escaped death claws by an inch and had earned himself quite the benefits; his energy cultivation had risen straight to the peak of the first realm. While his cultivation only looked like the peak of the first realm, the quality and quantity of his energy base had risen past the first realm. That wasn't the only thing he had gained as his body had gone through another round of tempering. Although he wasn't sure about his current progress in the first realm of the body cultivation system, but he could feel that he wasn't far from reaching the peak of the body tempering first realm.

Yet his progress didn't stop there as he was also experiencing the last rewards he had earned himself. A baptism of law had taken place as soon as he finished cycling the energy that had been thrown up by Little Gold. He wasn't aware of the reason why it had happened but he wouldn't waste the golden opportunity as laws were the rules that governed the universe.

A few minutes earlier, as he was focusing on sending back the tremendous amount of energy that Little Gold had thrown to him. The energy life-form golden snake swallowed back the entirety of the refined energy that Fell had cycled through his meridians, yet Little Gold didn't take back the sea of clouds that were thrown up during the process. Those clouds filled with Heaven and Earth energy, and that had been tempered by heaven's lightning didn't disappear in his Dantian. They silently hovered in the middle of his spatial pocket that was in Dantian, and the second Fell put his sight on them a change began happening in his soul.

He felt as if his mind had left his body, and an unfeathered sensation took over his soul. Clouds filled the entirety of his field of vision, and the view of the training hall disappeared from his sight. A familiar scene appeared in its stead, a scene that he recognized as soon as it appeared. As soon as his surroundings changed, nostalgia took over his mind and heart as the sky of New Casablanca's Core appeared in his sight. Before he even had the time to sigh as his heart had missed his home the view change yet another time. What appeared was the sea of clouds that filled Battle League's tutorial's phase 2 ; the clear image stayed for a few seconds in his mind before flashing and disappearing. Then the clouds in his Dantian reappeared in their stead. The scenery began cycling for another revolution, New Casablanca's sky filled with toxic clouds then Battle League's clouds followed by the clouds in his Dantian. His thought process slowed down to a snail's pace and he began being confused by what was happening to him.

"Clouds… Why am I being shown scenery of clouds?" he mumbled under his breath as his eyes opened. Even the colors of his eyes had changed during this state as they turned into a pure milky white color. Fell's trance had completely shut down his body signals. Clouds were the only things that his brain and mind produced, and as time passed the intensity of the emotions he was feeling grew up. Nostalgia took over his mind when the image of the Core's filthy sky appeared in his mind. Confidence would take over his heart when he gazed at the sea of clouds that existed in Battle League. Yet he would feel nothing when gazing at the clouds that were in his Dantian.

He questioned himself about his feelings, but no answer would appear in his mind as he felt a veil block his thought process. From a single revolution, he soon felt as if he had seen the sight a thousand times and a strange feeling of eternity took over his mind. He forgot about the injured Wind, about Little Gold. He forgot about New Casablanca's rich district, about the four noble families. Then, the cycling scenery stopped before appearing at the same time. The Core's clouds, black and toxic, superposed on the golden-colored cloud of Battle League. The fused scenery then superseded itself on the cloud of his Dantian. He didn't know how to answer the strange oddity. Yet he didn't have the sensation of them not being homogeneous. Fell even found that a strange unity existed when the three clouds were put together as if they were always meant to be so.

Suddenly his heart thumped, and the scenery that seemed to be blocked in a single frame of time began moving. The filthy black clouds of the Core silently rotated toward Battle League's golden clouds, they mixed and danced in the grasp of his Dantian's cloud. "None of them… are real", a strange hunch appeared in his mind. But he was sure about himself, none of those scenarios he had gazed upon were real.

His eyes blinked and were shut close, then he opened his eyes again and the pure milky white that colored his iris had disappeared. Yet the feeling of being lost, didn't disappear like the clouds. He pondered on the matter but he was sure about one thing. None of the clouds he had ever gazed on existed. "What is false?" he thought with frowned eyebrows. "What is real?" he thought while fully knowing that he wasn't qualified to get the answer of his thoughts.

His hand moved toward the area in the middle of his eyebrows, and he took out clothes from his spatial pocket. While dressing up, he sent his vision toward his Dantian and wasn't surprised when he noticed that the same changes seemed to happen in his Dantian.

In the middle of the pure milky white clouds that had taken place in his Dantian were the two black and golden clouds of the scenery he had just seen.