From Streams to Rivers Part Five

Today, it happened like the last few days where Fell and Wind came to Golden Factory. Fell would advance toward the young receptionist, flash his card with the number that represented the floor he rented in front of her, and continue his steps toward the elevator. Behind him, Wind would silently follow behind steps. But today, an idea appeared in the young official's mind. As Fell walked past the pretty receptionist, Wind stopped in front of the receptionist and coughed in an attempt to grab her attention. Bolstered by his changed body, he executed his most dashing smile and his eyes glowed as he passionately looked at the pretty lady in front of him. With hands rested on the marble counter, he opened his lips and ushered in a sweet voice.

"When do you finish your shift my lady?" he was neither too fast nor too slow. He even seems to have added part of his soul cultivation power into his voice as he postured into a dashing Don Juan. Fell's eyebrows rose into a knot and fury took over his chest as he had gotten too used to Wind's odd antics.

The young receptionist raised her head toward Wind with a blank face. Yet when she heard Wind's voice her heart thumped in her chest and her cheeks slightly reddened. She didn't respond for a few seconds as she seemed to lose herself in Wind's pure black eyes.

Fell saw the scene and was dumbfounded when he saw Wind use his cultivation to achieve his means, even if he did it subconsciously. A cold snort escaped from his noses as his legs began tapping on the ground, he hesitated on beating the shit out of him before he managed to calm down. He decided, in the end, to leave him to do as pleases; hoping that it might stop his endless bullshit if he found a way to empty his burning passion. But he wouldn't let him have it the easy way as he swiftly released his will upon Wind and the receptionist, washing off any residue of Wind's soul power around them. Then without waiting for Wind, he turned around and walked toward the elevator.

"You have three minutes Wind, Don't be late", he exclaimed in a neutral tone. Fell didn't feel like forcing Wind into following him. In the worst-case scenario, he'll just have a punching bag for a few minutes. Feeling as if he had made the right choice, he entered the elevator and pressed the dial of the floor he had rented. He soon arrived in the large hall where he achieved his breakthrough, and immediately began walking toward the comprehension room. The door smoothly opened in front of him and he began searching for a few learning materials for Wind's strength training. He already had a few ideas about the course that he would take the young official through, but he wanted to further his understanding of mortal training. Time ticked and the minutes he left for Wind passed, and contrary to his expectations, the youth entered the training floor with a large beaming smile.

"Guess I'm quite handsome", he whispered with a loud enough voice intending to get heard by Fell. Who in turn ignored his comment as he had a better idea for punishment? He turned toward Wind and coughed to grab his attention, then he threw several books toward him.

"Read them and understand the contents, it will serve during the entirety of your strength training", Wind heard Fell's unhurried voice while doing his best in catching the books that were thrown toward him. He managed to grab one of them, but the others escaped his grasp. He looked at the book in his hands-on top of it were written "Nervous System and its relations with Building Strength" in silver-colored letters. As he was already used to Fell's antics of building up the theory to complement practice. He quietly grabbed the three other books on the floor and walked toward a side of the large hall. He chose a random place to sit on and focused on the learning material at his disposal.

A few seconds after he opened the first book in his hands, he raised his head toward Fell and exclaimed in a calm voice. "Leave me ten minutes and I'll be done with them", his calm voice entered Fell's ear and made him understand that the joking Wind had disappeared and what replaced him was the hardened young official. A small grin appeared on Fell's face as he raised a thumb toward Wind while thinking, "Guess he learned the crux of this method."

"You won't need me today", Fell added as he began leaving the training floor. Had Wind acted differently and should he have tried training without any first-hand knowledge; Fell would have stayed here with him. But this random act of Wind had shown Fell that he was turning more and more independent in his training sessions. Before leaving, he quickly went to the observation room and logged the War Assist AI on the computer there to record all of the necessary data. The rest would be up to Wind as Fell had other things to do.

"Let's see his resolve! I might share with him the Soul Cultivation Mantra that Anzar gave me if his results are decent", he thought as he entered the elevator. The electronic tunes resounded as it began descending through the floors, and a few seconds after he pressed the dial, he arrived in the reception hall. "I still don't know if I can share with him Anzar's teaching but I feel that he can be trustworthy", he thought while thinking about the past weeks they spent together. "Although he is quite the eccentric one, who isn't in this shit hole of a city!" he thought as he left the training facility. He traversed the hall and made eye contact with the quiet receptionist and noticed that her cheeks had turned red from embarrassment. He mindlessly nodded toward her as he stepped through the exit door.

"Battle League here I'm coming!"