A Masked Deception Part Three

The smell of gunpowder filled the space around them as they readied themselves for the incoming battle. A few soldiers under Blank-Faced Joe rushed forward with cross aiming at the stairs, a few seconds after that, bullets rained through the wooden staircase, and a pile of bodies began falling through them. No words were spoken by Joe, but his underlings were used to working together, and with a few movements of their bodies, they shut down every weak spot in their formation.

With their fluid formation that had been sharpened through dozens of fights, and armed with rifles and other projectile base weapons, they advanced through the building while ravaging whoever met their passage. They began moving from floor to floor and cleaned them as they retook Filthy Jade Palace from the hands of the vultures. After a dozen minutes, another few layers of blood were added to the walls as Blank-Faced Joe and his team finished killing all the assailants in their current floor.