Back To Reality Part Four

Laughter resounded through the strength room as the two friends greeted each other with harsh slaps on the back. They laughed and joked for a few moments before talking about their past weeks.

Fell got to learn that Wind hadn't been that far away from him, due to his advice he had also gone to the battle center and had begun his journey in battle league. His eyes glowed as he counted a few of his fight to Fell, and he couldn't help but sigh when he gazed at Fell's weapon.

"Looks like you've grown quite a bit", exclaimed Fell as he saw his brother's reaction.

His hand moved toward his spatial pocket, and he took out a long metal pole that he had stored there during his stay in Gladiator's Heaven. Wind's eyes glowed when he looked at the weapon, and he couldn't help but feel like taking the weapon from Fell's hand. But he stopped himself, and only looked at Fell with puppy eyes that made the latter quite uncomfortable.