Invitation Part Five

With the appearing billows of darkness leaving Wind's body, the youth stepped forward with clear battle intent in their eyes. Their energy rotated in their meridians; their bodies glowed in numerous colors, and they took a step toward Wind at the same time.

The dark clouds that escaped Wind were the manifestation of his soul, and it quickly spread toward his opponent, encompassing them and sealing them in a veil of obscurity.

Then, in every speck of the soul cloud, wisps of murderous intent exploded one after another. The group of cultivators was in the middle of their retaliation, their fists were tightly clenched. Their legs were crossing the distance toward Wind. But the moment the murderous intent was released; all of them felt a cold and deadly intent grasp at their necks.

Their movements came to a standstill, and unbeknownst to their intentions, they found their body locked in the same place.