Through Blood And Bonds Part Two

Wind's mouth opened. But no sound escaped from between his lips as, he wasn't even sure about what to say, and simply stood where he was. His eyes were looking straight at Fell's eyes. Before long, he managed to squeeze one sentence before departing.

"You're one hell of a great guy", a crooked smile was on his face. Warped by the fear he was feeling, and he turned around and began leaving the venue.

Fell couldn't help but have his heart warm-up, and he took his brother's word as cheering. "Yeah, I'm one hell of a great guy…", he mumbled under his breath.

He turned around, and looked at the mass of guests with a saddened gaze. "Something nasty is going to happen here", his voice boomed through the large ballroom. It was powerful enough to make the chandelier on top of the head move and managed to gather the attention of the many guests. On their face was puzzlement, and only a few cultivators began moving away the moment they heard the confirmation.