Gathering Of Strength Part Four

Fell nodded toward his brother, and couldn't help but let a sigh escape from his lips. He had always been a loner, and now the number of people looking up to him was more significant than the people he had met through his entire life. "You know that you might still have a chance to leave if you rush out now", Fell said with a serious expression on his face.

"Do not insult me!" retorted Wind with anger flashing on his face. "This is also my hometown. If I can't at least try protecting it, otherwise, then there is no meaning to my life as a cultivator."

Fell's eyes glowed with a mysterious light. He knew very well what the young official meant as he was also in the same state. Soul cultivators were entitled to act as they wanted, or else the manifestation of their persona would never take place.

"And like they say. It is in time of danger that heroes are born", he added while gazing at the sky.