One's Origins Part Five

Fell quietly disappeared in the background. None of the kids even notice his departure from the warm scene, too focused on the hearty meal in front of them they were sharing. Tonight, it could be said that they had learned for the first time, the sensation of sharing a meal with their peers. The food at hand was sufficient for all of them, and everyone could be seen laughing and sharing what they had.

Sounds of pearly childish laughter resounded through the usually deadly silent Baby Cemetery, creating a strange displacement between the normally desolated place.

Fell calmly left the surroundings of the Baby Cemetery, and reappeared in the narrow streets of the Core. His heart was at ease, and he felt that the reactions from those kids were worth the entire trip. At least, before the surroundings of the city turned into a hellish war, those kids managed to get a decent memory: one that would at least ease and warm a little bit their pitiful lives.