Memory Of The Slums Part Two

Fell stayed on the floor, savoring the sensations his body was gathering and oblivious to the many individuals that were approaching his position.

A minute passed, and a few heads appeared near the place where Fell was sitting. As fellow cultivators, they thought he was currently meditating. Thus they stood silently in the courtyard.

Time passed quietly, and Sifiso still hadn't come back and was still going through the entirety of the living quarters in the coliseum. The number of individuals in the courtyard continued growing by the minutes, and before long, it attained a number where Fell couldn't help but open his eyes.

His eyes glinted under the soft moonlight. And an astonishing expression flashed on the faces of many gladiators; most of them were body cultivators, and although they couldn't assess Fell's strength precisely. Their senses didn't miss the potency of his blood, and to their senses, Fell seemed like a hibernating vicious beast in human form.