Memory Of The Slums Part Five

Two fists flew toward each other at the same time. If anyone had seen the scene, they would have only glimpsed at the afterimage of the two fighters. The air whipped and snapped at their every movement, and the ground trembled under their solid footsteps.

Right after the first exchange, Fell came to understand that the red-haired man was one strong body cultivator. It was the first time in his life, fighting someone who surpassed him with body cultivation, and every aftershock of their hit would leave Fell a bitter taste in the back of the throat.

The two opened exchanged dozens of fists, and kept going. The number of attacks exchanged soon broke through the hundredth, and finally, they separated and stood a few meters away from each other.

"I guess you're quite the real deal", said the red-haired man with a bloodied grin on his lips.

"Can say the same to you", responded Fell while spitting a mouthful of blood.