Last Line Part Five

He lost himself in his thought, and only noticed the end of the ascension when the elevator's door opened up in front of him. The moment the door opened, he felt a brisk, windy current assault his body. The wind's strength even forced him to splint his eyes in reflex, but after a few seconds, he was already used to the sharp air current.

He stepped out of the elevator, and the door behind him smoothly closed with a sharp mechanical sound. He turned around and managed to see the moment when the elevator disappeared back inside the wall. "Hmm…", a grunt escaped his throat, and he stepped forward toward the other side of the wall.

His heart rate accelerated slightly; as the view of the wilderness outside the city appeared, in front of his eyes.

His footsteps accelerated, and he shortly arrived on the other side of the thick wall. A vast mass of green appeared in his vision; forests and landmasses extended past his eyesight, a real picture of the wilderness.