Nascent Grudges Part One

Fell breathed sharply as he glanced at the dark figure in the sky. His mind reeled as his senses picked on the horrifying blood essence from the ghastly figure, and he nearly threw up from the amount of negative energy that resided in the gorilla's body.

Compared to it, the titanic serpent's energy wasn't as malevolent and even seemed pure when putting next to the dark and filthy power of the flying monster.

Malevolence and destruction were part of the blood essence of the creature, far viler than Gold's mixed blood essence.

It hovered quietly in the air. The grim expression on its face showed Fell that the creature had a decent amount of intelligence.

Suddenly its red gaze passed next to Fell before stopping onto his figure. Fell deciphered the expression on his face and nearly flipped out when he recognizes that it was taunting him. Their sight crossed, and Fell noticed the humanoid figure flash a vicious grin before darting in the distance.