Ominous Charms Part Two

"Crap, that was close…", he said with a long sigh. His hand moved, and he managed to extirpate his body from the mass of the dead creature. When he finally crawled from under the mountain of creatures, a gasp escaped from his lips, and he couldn't help but be smitten by the artifact's work.

"You're quite strong, aren't you?" he exclaimed with a smile while gazing at the tiny sword. It quietly hovered in the air and seemed to have lost its early frenzy. "Get back home", he succinctly ordered, and the sword turned into a ray of light that flew inside of his mouth.

He couldn't help but let a satisfied sigh escaped from his lips. His vision then focused on the mass of mangled and dilapidated corpses that laid right under him. "What a mess…", he thought before looking left and right.