Ominous Charms Part Five

He gazed at the gigantic falling mass in the distance and watched it gradually crash on the red soil, raising massive waves of dirtied land everywhere near the humongous creature.

The impact didn't stop there, as it caused a tremor through the ground that was felt by everyone, and massive outbursts of dusty clouds particles rose to a great height. Fell saw the scene from a distance, and couldn't help but be surprised by the effect caused by the creature's abnormal weight.

"Holy shit… And here I thought the spider didn't weigh that much", he said with a wry smile drawn on his lips.

During that time, the awful and grating shriek didn't stop for even a second. And the creature continued spreading streams of soul reverberation in the hope of finding the bastard that had caused her to go through such pain. Those ripples spread everywhere and made the creature aware of every speck of moving particle existing in a decent range around her.