Crusade Under The Stary Sky Part Two

He mechanically walked toward the massive wall that protected the city. And before long, he arrived at the place where he had stood many times in the past days. He couldn't help but feel at daze when he looked at the glinting sun that hung high in the sky, he couldn't help but feel strangely at ease, and before long, a shiver traversed his body as he physically could be seen twitching slightly.

"Ugh…", his eyes blanked for a split second. And before long, his eyes closed and he opened them once again, only this time there seem to exist a purple layer overlaying his amber colored eyes.

"This sensation…", he mumbled as he felt a shiver coming from his own soul. It seemed as if the origin of his soul persona had been split in half, with both sides being the sole evolution that his ego body could potentially turn into. His lips moved, forming a bitter grin that minutely twitched, and he couldn't help but sigh before resuming his steps.