Crusade Under The Stary Sky Part Four

"Not yet…", he thought as tried another alternative route through his meridians. "Still too slow!" he thought as he changed yet again the technique he was using with his utmost focus and control.

The hour passed, and he moved through every single one of his techniques. Sadly, he didn't manage to finish his work, but his efficiency at controlling the lightning-based energy that coursed through his meridians rose. The ordinarily aggressive power turned milder under his control, and it was as if each speck of energy had been hidden inside a scabbard, releasing its explosiveness only in the last moment.

He puffed and huffed as he recovered his breath and looked at the few beasts in front of him. Through his training, he had taken down more than the quarter of the monster in the north wall. A feat that was soon noticed by the soldiers who didn't take long to push harder.