Shining Gale Part Two

The pair fell toward the ground of the underground cave created by Akainmhar's attack. Their figures disappeared among the many falling rocks, as though the massive earth had turned into water that began filling any void existing inside of it.

The size of the rock falling under them rose as a massive brouhaha spread from the sound made by the falling rocks. Their figures disappeared under the humongous and suffocating size that was falling their way.

Akainmhar's deep voice spread as a burst of laughter escaped from his throat. He coughed before grabbing the humanoid in a deadly embrace of a close-quarter fight. A few seconds passed as their figures disappeared under the warm suffocating embrace of the earth.

A few kilometers away, the situation was completely dangerous as there wasn't any movement near the Gigantic Tree. The Black Forest rested quietly in the dark, without any sound leaving from it except the soft rustle of the many yellow leaves.