Blooming Sapling Part Two

The moment he heard the roar, Akainmhar's ears and mind found it remarkably similar to the first roar that freed the beasts from the Bestial Formation. Only this time, the booming sound had a completely different intent hanging on it.

If the first one had been all about defiance, and relentless pursuit of a better path, then, this titanic howl the shadowy figure in the sky had released was nothing more than a revelation of its existence.

Every creature and life form that caught the deafening roar in their senses stopped their movements. Even the ravenous beasts that were too occupied at emptying the inside of their peers; had taken out their bloodied maw from the opened up belly of a living carcass and gazed at the sky.

The intelligent yet maddened creatures seemed to have fully understood that second roar. Or to be more exact had comprehended the intent behind that roar.