City Under The City Part One

After releasing the beast he had used as a mount, letting it roam freely through the Factory District. Fell made the rest of the trip to the Core inside the soldier's vehicle.

The last-minute of travel through the narrow ups and down that led to the Core was spent in utter silence. The only sound entering their ears was the slightly grating-yet pleasurable—noise released by the friction of the wheel on the degraded asphalt.

And as they arrived closer to the Core, that grating sound was accentuated due to the further degradation of the road. Thankfully, most of the vehicles taken during the exodus to the Core had been the kind that could be driven on any type of path without any kind of difficulty.

In fact, the jeep they hoarded might look simple, but was built with technology that made it possible for it to run smoothly on any surface. The only downgrade to that speck was the grating noise released during the friction of the road with the ground.