Unfurling Past Part Two

Sifiso found himself speechless in front of the strong confusion existing in Fell's words. Those questions from the young man weren't aimed at Sifiso, but were thoughts spoken out loud and directed at himself.

The Old Manager had stood on top of the coliseum for numerous years. Facing hundreds of strange cases that made him understand many facets of life, but the one happening in front of him would forever become the most memorable one.

He had seen memory losses and had seen concussions that caused the injured to enter a blank state similar to severe mental retardation. But Fell situation was different; His mind and mental faculties were left completely untouched, but it seemed as though the person standing in front of him was no longer the same individual he knew.

Seconds quietly passed under the heavy silence basking the scene. Time seemed to crawl to a stop, seconds turned into minutes, with Fell doing nothing but freezing on the same spot.