True Sky

A cultivator sat atop the tallest building that rose inside the parasitic slums housing half of New Casablanca's demography. The young man's face shone with a light-reddish hue under the illumination of a falling sun that was quitting the sky above New Casablanca.

If anyone was present on the same roof as the peculiar man. They would notice a very strange occurrence on the young man's feature, especially in the way his facial expression and the mood around him changed. His hands would sometimes stop moving, as if freezing from an ice-cold fear that would transform his body in a rigid statue. Other times, his hands would form into fists with a vicious near-rebellious gaze coloring his face in dark reddish color. Extreme emotions would flash on the man's body, giving the impression that he was possessed by different demons that would take control of his body one after another.