
(Don't mind this guys this is just my reference based on my research. Teehee ;P !!!!)

{The MC's Nemesis}

{Author's Perspective}

[ Status ]

Name : Frieza

Race : Frost Demon

Bloodline : Mutated Frost Demon(100%)

Age : ????( Only AT knows)

Innate Talent: Pure Progress,Indomitable Will,Tactical Analysis,Leadership,Divination

Abilities :

Death Beam,Death Ball,Death Wave,Death Cannon,Death Saucer,Death Comet,Death Storm,Death Fork, Telekinesis,Regeneration,Eye Laser,Whirlwind Blow,Flight,Ki Blast,Ki Sense,Godly Ki sense,Ki Transfer


Frieza(1st Form) 530,000 [1,000,000,000 (He himself says that his power would reach this point)]

Frieza(2nd Form) 1,060,000 (Powered Up) 1,200,000

Frieza(3rd Form) 2,400,000

Frieza (Final Form; 5%): 6,000,000

Frieza(Final Form; 50%) 60,000,000 [100,000,000,000 (50% if he used 100% he would be pumped)]

Frieza(Final Form; 100%) 120,000,000

Golden Frieza ??? (50,000X Final Form 100%): 10,000,000,000,000,000

True Golden Frieza ??? 75,000,000,000,000,000

Racial Talent :

Frost Demon Survival(Vacuum Survival)

Frost Demon Combat Instinct

Frost Demon Body Strength

Frost Demon Energy Manipulation

Frost Demon Keen Sense

Frost Demon Transformation

[Regeneration]-Regeneration – While minor injuries seem to be of minor nuisance to him, his ability to regenerate lost body parts is not as advanced as the two other major villains of the series. In the English dub only, Frieza makes a copy of the ability on his scouter for future use when Nail regenerates his arm during their battle. During his battle against the Z Fighters on Namek, Frieza's tail stump seems to cope with the bleeding after some time, and grows back to its regular stage when he transforms from his third to his final form.

[Transformation] – This is Frieza's ability to morph himself from a weaker state to a more powerful one. These transformations were originally a containment of his true power, with his actual form being what's commonly referred to as "Final". In all, Frieza demonstrated three transformations and four altered states, overlooking his bulk at 100% power and cyborg augmentation.

{MC's Perspective}

[ Scanning for target. ]

[ Showing target information. ]

[ Status ]

Name : Frieza

Race : Frost Demon

Age : ????( Only AT knows)

Power Level : ???????

MC is still weak that's why the info is limited.