Karma Sure Caught Up To You

Early in the next morning, there was an uproar on the news channels since Lu Insurance company had been accused of embezzlements, tax evasions, and money laundering. It was like a storm had struck the 30-year-old company overnight.

While the outside world was speculating about the means that destroyed Lu Family, inside the hospital VIP ward, a man was seated beside a hospital bed.

On the bed laid a frail girl who seemed to have lost her vitality during the course of a single night. When the man beside her saw her move a bit, he didn't show any sign of happiness. His face still had no expressions but his bright eyes couldn't conceal the hidden sadness in them.

The girl's eyes fluttered a bit before she opened them slowly. Seeing the man sitting by her bedside, she asked, "Shuang Ge, why are you here?"

Fu Shuang gave her a lopsided smile before he spoke, "I had to congratulate you. So, I decided to stay by your side."