Ye Jie Is Sick

Ye Jie was in his own thoughts and didn't even realize that Xu Mey had brought him to the He family home. While she ran inside the house, Ye Jie decided to take his time. He wasn't eager to go inside. Or was he? Perhaps he was! But he couldn't decide at the moment.

The reason for his stress had been this family in the first place. He couldn't decide whether he wanted to come clean or not? One thing was sure, he had a jumbled up mind.

"Uncle Chen!" Xu Mey called out to Zhu Chen as soon as her eyes caught sight of him. "I'm really sorry. Ah-Jie was in the hospital and it totally skipp-"

"Ye Jie is in the hospital? Why didn't you inform us? Which hospital? Tell me," Zhu Chen instantly forgot all about the gift in Xu Mey's hand. It didn't matter at the moment.

Xu Mey was surprised to see his flustered look. "Calm down, uncle Chen! Ah-Jie is fine now. He had a bit of a fever. He's absolutely fine now. He's in the car outside."