Find Your Way Back

After a couple of hours, the doctor came out of Xu Mey's room with a sullen look on his face.

"What's her condition?" Zhu Chen was the first one to inquire since Xu Cheng had long lost the energy to even stand. But his attention was still towards the doctor and Zhu Chen.

"For now, both mother and child are safe." Zhu Chen knew that wasn't the end of it. He could read the doctor's face clearly.

"But?" He found the courage to urge him.

"The patient is still unconscious. And it's hard to tell when she'll wake up." He Susu who had been quietly bawling her eyes out all this time finally reacted.

"But if she stayed unconscious for a long time, she can fall into a coma. It will endanger her life and the baby's." The doctor nodded agreeing with her statement.

"Yes, you are indeed right. You all should pray that she wakes up." Saying that the doctor left them while Xu Mey was transferred in a private room.