Worth It

"Believe in love and love will make its way to your life." He could hear that distant but vivid voice.

"And what exactly is love?" He asked trying to look through the smog that had engulfed him.

"Some words are left unsaid

Some stories are not meant to unfold

Some lies are made to stay in wraps


Love is not a word that needs to be told

It's not a story that needs to unfold

It's not a lie that we can enwrap


It's a feeling meant to be felt,

A story meant to be kept

And a truth that is meant to be perfect."

He could hear that voice but the person was still enshrouded in smog. He tried to lift his hand to touch only to be jolted awake.

"Ah-Jie! I've been trying to wake you up for an hour now." Calming his breath, Jie turned to look at Xu Mey pouting by his side.

"What's wrong, baby?" He asked as he touched her face gently and tenderly.