The Rest Is History

Being a parent puts one into a whole new world of perspective. It makes everything else disappear or feel not-so-worthy anymore. Holding a tiny baby in your arms is a life-changing experience. A child couldn't possibly understand the feeling of a parent when they first look at their own child. It comes with a piercing vulnerability and self-doubt. It's sublime and terrifying. 

It's terrifying to know that you made that tiny being in your hand and yet you don't know whether you'll be able to protect that baby's innocence in this cruel world. You want to give him wings but still, want to keep him right by your side to protect him.

Parenthood is a joy one can't put in words but more than that, it's a responsibility that is terrifyingly exciting. 

When the nurse passed both their babies wrapped in blankets to Jie and Xu Mey, both husband and wife had yet to accept the fact that they just had twins.