Won't Stay Mad

Xu Family House...

Xu Mey had been in her room since the time she had talked to Jie over the phone. She was feeling disturbed by his words and that's why turned off her phone. Jie's words were playing on repeat in her mind...

'You're not neglecting the kids? Your argument was with me, right? Then why did you choose to leave the house? I'm not the only one who lives in that house. Our kids are there as well who asked me in the morning where their mother is and I had no answer for them.'

Just like when he said those words, she still couldn't find an answer at all. Indeed, there wasn't just Jie in that house, her two adorable kids were also there. And those adorable kids were extra smart, no matter what answer Jie gave them, they'll eventually figure out that their mother left them and ran away just because she was feeling hurt.