
Luke POV:

"I guess it's time to get this show on the road"

"Nice line their Luke"

"Thanks Hank"

A door appeared behind us and clicked that it's unlock.

We proceeded to go out and it seemed like we were underground, going up into the surface where we saw a large hall filled with barricades and a few barricaded windows going all around, a staircase that seemed to go up into a tower that could be a good lookout point when the monsters arrive.

Going through a massive reinforced door, we were met with a giant wall surrounding the building in a zigzag formation.

"So,should we go out and find supplies? There doesn't seem to be much in here" says one of the players.

"There's nothing else we can do here but gather supplies and extract some aethers from any so called monsters we find or aether deposits." says another player.

We went through an even more reinforced gate and reached outside, what's in our view is a wide plane giving us high visibility if we were up the wall and moving further are rows of houses that should be full of supplies and materials to use the machines.

Looking around us, there seemed to be no vehicles inside or outside the walls, but there was enough space inside to park any kind of vehicle.

Forced to walk on foot, we finally reach the neighborhood in a couple minutes with the sun being 8 hours from sundown depending on the accelerated time of this dream, dreams does have a time of its own, and we can play for days with it being only a few hours in real time or vice versa, but of course, the more accelerated the time is, the more burden it is to our mind.

Slowly walking forward, making as little noise as possible, we split up in groups of 2 and scavenged the houses while keeping an eye out for any so called monsters.

Moving further in the neighborhood we heard moaning sounds, we slowed our step and took a peek at where that sound was coming from, and what we saw was a decayed corpse standing straight, moaning and moving like it was alive.

"What the heck is that thing?"

"Seems like one of those undead I heard about in Rubikus, though they weren't proven to be rule, but there were stories of the dead coming back to life to feast on the living, it seems that might be one of them Luke"

"Must be the monsters the guy told us about, let's shoot them dead and see if they got some aether on them or whatever Hank"

As we both got close, we shot the monster, me on the head and him on the heart.

The monster collapsed and burst into particles of purple dust, leaving behind a single finger sized aether.

"Seems like they do drop aether, though it seems very small a few grams maybe"

We proceeded on our way inside the houses, while we did hear some bangs from time to time, we didn't come across any more monsters.

The sun was going down as we scavenged for scraps and supplies.

We regrouped and headed back to base before nightfall.

A great haul we managed to get, some medical supplies, food, and a few kilograms of scraps in a trolley found along the way.

As the lights were about to go out, the whole inside of the castle turned on with lights, a hologram came out from in front of the teleporter.

"Glad to see everyone alive and well, today is just the first day, and this will be your first night.

The real fun is about to begin, with the sun no longer out, the monsters will start to become active, they will head to the nearest signs of life and maw them dead.

I suggest everyone to start getting ready and head up to the walls to kill any monsters in sight.

It would be wise to not let them get close, you don't want to get overwhelmed now.

If you ever find yourself out of bullets, just use the machines around you, feed them with aether and scraps that you had found and it will automatically produce bullets for you.

Have fun and be well, let's hope to see each other again tomorrow."

The hologram disappears and with it, we knew we were about to experience the hardness of this game.

"Alright everyone you heard the guy, let's go and see some action!"

"Horah! Finally time to rain some shells"