The adventure in a dystopian land part 4

Villains, characters that oppose justice through many evil acts, or so I would like to define them as according to the HGO, they are the outcasts of society who should be monitored and stopped upon the slightest mistake as they are mentally ill degenerates…

Honestly speaking I think the HGO despite its kind intentions, or so I would like to believe, tends to be extreme with decisions and judging, they once mobilized a fleet of fifty supers to invade and destroy the abode of an already jailed villain, just because there were rumors about him hiding illegal weapons in his hideout, then again, the villain in question 'Dr Gyro Rocket' aka 'William Gyro' is one of the few villains that one would find it hard to believe in his sanity, the man had a strong belief that children less than ten years old are prone to awaken strong super powers rather than adults, believing such, he abducted several children to conduct or rather prove his theory right, although no concrete evidence found when he got arrested and he never admitted anything, but the scared malnourished children found in his basement were proof enough for him to get a life sentence alone in a special built prison for mentally ill people and that was thanks to the interference of his genius lawyer else his sentence would be much more severe.

Anyway, according to the children's testimony, 'Dr Gyro Rocket' liked to put them into a series of atrocious experiments with the intent of scaring them as much as possible and should certain threshold measuring their brain stress be reached, the child in question would be beheaded and certain parts of their brains would be preserved by 'Dr Gyro Rocket' for further experiments before he consumes them as he believed it would boost his chances to awaken strong powers as well.

Now why would I be thinking of such matter while I am facing this iron masked tall man in front of me?

The answer is… I don't know, I think being alone in this place, talking to myself is affecting my sanity one way or another, adding to that the pressure I am feeling from the iron masked man in front of me, when was the last time I felt so intimidated like this? I am not claiming that I became immune to fear after I got my powers but this guy is really intimidating, and I mean like a lot.

Iron masked man: "Welcome to my domain! Hero!"

The iron masked man said with a voice so deep and loud that I got shivers.

Even his voice is intimidating!

Iron masked man: "It's been awhile, a very long time in fact, since I showed myself directly to someone like this, usually, people would be brought here, break a sweat trying to find a way out but with no avail, till they lose their consciousness either from getting too tired and hungry or they get depressed and most of them start screaming and talking loudly to themselves, yet…"

The iron masked man suddenly stopped talking as he folded his thick arms while his cape flutters behind him.

Damn, that's so cool!

"Tell me, are you the one behind the series of disappearances?"

I couldn't help but ask, I mean I can tell but just to make sure and I need to talk to someone as well, true I wasn't here for too long but I feel like I have been here for ages.


Why didn't he answer? Am I being ignored? Is he ignoring me? That's rude! Very rude!

"Hey? Are you listening?" I closed the distance a bit as I asked

The iron masked man looked at me and asked

Iron masked man: "You, your powers don't originate from me"

"Excuse me?" I couldn't help it but exclaim, I bet my expression looks silly, good thing my face is hidden

Iron masked man: "Your powers, they originate from a different source than I, THE SUPREME ONE!"

He declared as he suddenly raised both arms upwards pointing both thumbs towards him, a weird pose adding the fluttering cape made his pose look really cool.

Is there some mechanism behind that cape?

Iron masked man: "how did you get your powers? I have been watching you, the so-called supers, it's been years yet after so long, humanity's intelligence didn't progress that much to come up with a different solution than what was in my leftover papers"

Iron masked man: "Of course, I am aware that there were breakthroughs, divergences, even new concepts, but the base was still the same even after all those years… so how come I feel nothing from you?"

He now pointed towards me like I am some convicted.

"I have no idea what you are talking about" I honestly answered, if anything I am confused

Iron masked man: "I see"

The iron masked man answered that, he sounded calm yet anger could be felt from his tone, I could also feel hostility from his eyes.

Iron masked man: Sigh!

He sighed as he stared at me for a second then said

Iron masked man: "Incarnate, I presume, your feats and accomplishments for the past two years were quite excellent, you should take pride as I acknowledge you"

What arrogance! Or is it a compliment? Just how am I supposed to react here?

"Thanks… I guess?"

Iron masked man: "Unfortunately the origin of your powers is shady therefore I must put you to more test, reach me in my fortress to prove your character, prove to me that you belong here!"

Saying so he disappeared into nothingness, not giving me even the time to respond

"What a weird old man"

Belong here? What does he mean by that? hm?... Wait a minute that is wrong!

"Hey you didn't answer me! Hey!"

I can't believe that I just stood here listening to his gibberish without moving a muscle, I even let him leave


"Now what to do?"


Now what?

I turn around facing the source of the sudden creepy howls.

What I saw below were… people?

Are they people?

Their skin tone is pale, too pale in fact I would say they are dead, but they are moving… and howling like some beasts

Am I seeing some walking dead here?

Not like they can reach me anyway.

- Your test is dealing with these sinners, how you deal with them however is up to you

A sudden voice said so.

Looking around on a higher ground behind the zombies if I may call them for now, stood a topless giant with bulging muscles and wearing jeans, his eyes were complete white, perhaps he is blind, he looks in his early forties and somehow, he seems to be staring daggers at me as if I am his arch enemy or something

It is the first time I am meeting the guy, why is he looking at me like that?

Topless giant: "Come on! The Supreme one wishes to see your true colors, don't disappoint!"

What the… why should I care?

"I am here for the disappeared people!"

The topless giant sneered then said

Topless giant: "Then move, what are you waiting for?"

He said and closed his eyes.

"Hey what do you mean?"

Topless giant: "…"

Yet no answer, I am really sick of this place and these weird people, if I wasn't a nice person I would go and punch him… no I think the problem here is that I talk too much and overthink things a bit sometimes but if…

- Kyaaa~!

Huh? A scream?

I look around some more

The zombies seem to be closing in on a girl… wait I know that girl

'Arlene Kisaragi' the girl who turned me down more than two years ago, and in a way partially or should I say indirectly the reason why I became a super hero…