The day after that night

I wake up to her sleeping in my arms, peacefully asleep. I kiss her cheek, and she wakes up. Looking into her beautiful grey eyes, she is the girl who I want to be with forever.



She kissed my lips. They were soft warm like the night before. I leaned over her skinny body and kissed her neck. I moved down even more. Her body loved it. I moved to her spot again, moved closer to it and one lick. I hear her moan again. I keep doing it make sure she lets those moans escape her mouth.

"ahhh, mmmm."

Those moans drove me wanting more. I licked, suck, and finger her as hard as I can. She was mine. After doing this for a long time, I was able to drink her juices. I could never stop getting more of it. After she could go no more, I laid next to her. I moved her hair out of the way of her beautiful face.

"I don't want this to end."

She kissed me, her sweet lips on mine. "I know we don't know each other that well, but why don't you come with me. Live with me, be my beautiful wife."

"Dakota I wish, I could." I put my clothes on. tied my hair back. "But I can't."

She walks out where we were laying. I quickly get my clothes on and run after her. Seeing that she had tacked up her horse. And got up on him. I hold her horse back.

"Artemis why can't you? I'm crazy about you. Please think about it."

"I can't Dakota. That's all you need to know."

I clicked at my horse to make him. We walked into the woods to head back to my house. I couldn't leave my parents not after what they told me.

"Artemis whatever you do don't.... Don't what mom? Dad? OPEN UP!! Artemis hide here, my sweet child. Mom? CRASH! You can't come in here! Thud! Search the house we need to find the girl. Sir nothing here. Let's get out of here. Before anyone knows. Yes, sir. Hours later I come out of hiding. I see my parents laying there dead. MOM! DAD! NO!!!!!! DON'T LEAVE!!!!! I cried all night before I left for Dave Matthews place."

As I thought of what happened, I couldn't tell anyone. I was alone, besides having Thunder. We walked through the woods until we came up unto my cabin. With riders in front of it. We got closer and I see 3 men on horseback and 2 people waiting outside the door. Could they be from when my parents died? We came into their sight, we walked slowly to the cabin. The one person by the door stood. She looked about mother's age but slightly older. I stopped Thunder waiting for them to talk but I didn't wait so I said something.

"Who are you?"

"Is Jeff Brookes and Mary Brookes here?" they said.


"Where are they?" they said.

"I asked who you are. Now tell me!"

"I'm your Aunt Edna, young lady. Never raise your voice at us."

"I don't have any relatives."

"Where are your parents?"


"Gone? What do you...."

"THEY DIED!!!!! 2 DAYS AGO!!!" I cried as I yelled it. The pain saying was unbearable.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know, please come off of that animal and let talk to you."

I jumped off and walked closer to them with Thunder by my side. She looked like mother, I started to cry as I got closer. She hugged me close to her.

"It's ok my sweet girl. I'm here for you now."

"Why are you here?"

"Well, you're old enough that you need to become a civil young lady. In Jamestown to live with me. You never knew?"

"Before my parents died, they said Whatever I do don't then there was a crash, gunshots."

"Don't sweet child, I'll give you a new home with me and not in the middle of nowhere. We'll find your horse a new home."

"No! I can't leave Thunder! He's all I got of my PARENTS! All I have left to remember and remember who I really am."

"Ok, We'll bring him. I have stables outside of Jamestown to put him there. Since he's that special to you. Is there anything you need inside?"

"Yes, But what about the house? and the things inside?"

"I live in a big house I'll make a special floor where we can make it like here."

I unlocked the door, they unpacked everything from my home and I got my personal things. They took my backs and tied it on the back of the wagon. I jumped on my horse hugging him tightly.

"What is your name, my dear?"

"It's Artemis."

"Oh no, that'll have to change. For now, on your name is Elizabeth Jane Prescott."

"I don't want a new name. Do you know who Artemis is?"

"Yes, she's the goddess of the moon, hunt, and animals. But it is not a name for a civil young lady. Elizabeth is your new name and that is it."

"You can't change my name. Or I won't go with you."

"Fine, but we'll have you ride a saddle with that horse."

"Thunder is a free and wild horse, being free is his personality. I want him the same that he is. That's how my father trained him."

"I never approved of your father. But I will not get involved in that discussion."

"My father was a great man!"

"Your father disrespected the Prescott's name. Now let's leave."

We rode to the town to stop for things before we left. Many people asked where I was going I told them. That I was leaving and I didn't want to go. Many friends were sad of my leave. I looked around for Dakota seeing if he was in town. I couldn't find him, I asked where he was but no one has seen him. I saw Dave.


"Oh Artemis, I never thanked you for the mare. She's back to herself. Thank you again."

"Where's Dakota?"

"He's in the merchant shop. He went in there before that rich youngish lady went in."

"Thank you!"

I jumped off of Thunder and ran into the merchant shop. Looked for Dakota and after a second I found him. I ran up to him and hugged him.

"Who's hugging me? Artemis!?" I kissed her within that second. And heard a lady yell.

"Elizabeth! You shouldn't be kissing this person!"

"Elizabeth? Your name is Artemis."

"Not anymore, young man. Elizabeth let's go, we're leaving now."

"Give me a second."


"Dakota, I'll miss you so much. But I'm leaving for good."

"That's what you meant by you can't. Why are you leaving with that woman? What happened to your parents?"

"They're dead the night before you came to take me to the mare."

"WHAT!! Why didn't you say anything!"

"I couldn't."

"Elizabeth let's go now."

"Yes Aunt. Bye Dakota."

Kisses his cheek and walks away. I got on Thunder and wanted to cry but didn't. We started to move, but I heard my name being called.

"Artemis take this."

"Your hat?"

"Yes, and where I'll be in the next town. Where will you live now?"

"Jamestown, I must go. Bye Dakota."

I rode off to catch up with the others. I cried the whole way to Jamestown. My parents died, I leave Dakota, my hometown, and my old life. I ride into Jamestown, buildings were taller than the ones back home. People dress odd, girls wearing big hats, tight dress, and wearing gloves. The men long coats, top hats with white gloves like the ladies. Fancy wagons being pulled by horses. Load sounds going off. As I rode into town many people were staring at me. Like I was a savage. That's what I heard them say. I finally understood why I lived in the woods, I wished I was home. My Aunt's wagon stopped.

"Elizabeth stay here don't run off. Watch her in case something happens."

"Yes, madam."

I jumped off of Thunder and splashed muddy water onto someone.

"UGHHHH! How could you filthy animal! You got my dress dirty!" said a girl.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean too."

"You did, you filthy animal!"

"I wouldn't yell anymore madam."

"Why it's not like she's with Edna Prescott."

"Actually that is my niece you are yelling at. I advice you leave and thank that this situation didn't get any worse than it already is."

"You got lucky, animal."

"Are you all right?"

"Yes, I didn't mean to get mud on her dress. I'm used to dirt. Not these weird street and these things. like how people wear, walk, and talk. Also, these buildings are so huge!"

"Let's hurry home where it is quieter. Shall we?"
