Chapter 518 Di Bei Chen’s Attitude

Closing the doors of her room firmly after instructing her guards to not let anyone enter her chambers until morning, Jue Fan Lei1, the Empress of Shanjiang2 continent, dismissed her maid. She was in hurry and the usually very perceptive her failed to notice the knowing glances and smiles of the maid. There was, after all, only one person that their usually cold empress would be willing to be so anxious to meet.

After making sure no one was there, Jue Fan Lei blew out the candles, tightly clasping a dark maroon velvet cape around her. In the quietness of her huge chamber, her footsteps echoed off the white marble flooring. Standing in front of her study, she bit her lip in apprehension. Pushing the doors aside, she quickly entered the room; putting a matrix spell quickly and efficiently on the door, a powerful matrix spell that no one in the entire continent of Shanjiang would be able to break.

Books lined two of the walls, and the room smelled like jasmine incense. It must have been Ting Shan3. Jue Fan Lei thought to herself as she smiled at the thought of her younger brother. He would often enter her study to help her with accounts and matters regarding new laws and implementations, in this matrilineal bloodline where the males would often try to overthrow the females—her brother was one of a kind.

Walking to the bookshelf, she pushed it inwards, with her level of cultivation it was easy to move the entire thing which was filled with thousands of books. The bookshelf moved, revealing the bottom of the carpet and Jue Fan Lei quickly used her air element to lift it away. Inside there was a matrix so complex that even she wouldn't dare trifle with it or try to imitate it.

Taking her dagger on her side to cut her thumb, she let the few drops of blood fall in the centre of the huge matrix which encompassed the entire room. A huge vortex opened and again she put the carpet over the floor.

When she opened her eyes, she was in the middle of a lake, standing on a small platform but if she walked three steps in any direction she would be stepping in the water. Tall mountains surrounded her everywhere and the air smelled sweet. The lake was small but deep, with untold horrors residing within. She waited for an incense sticks' time before she heard the familiar whoosh of an arrow; dodging it, she grimaced as her foot went in the water.

It could be said that she was very tired planning battle strategies with General Zhuo4 and General Gong5 along with the various palace advisors for the coming war. Ao6 Peaks' three families dared to question her sovereignty; she would make them have a taste of their own medicine.

As she avoided the arrow, a golden form descended in front of her, quickly stabbing with his long broadsword. She didn't realize the extent of how tired she was until she felt the tip of the sword cut through her cheek. Blood dripped out and she quickly kicked her opponent, holding the blade of the sword in her hand.

"Jing Lan, it's me." Her voice sounded cold and indifferent as she looked at the beautiful man in front of her. His skin was golden from staying in the sun and his hair which looked like strands of gold spilled down his back as he kneeled in front of her.

"Empress Jue!" He exclaimed, reverence in his tone.

"Hey, Jing Lan, stand up. I hate it when you do that." Jue Fan Lei said as she looked at the tall man who was still bowing down.

"I implore Empress Jue to mete out punishment to this insolent servant."

Jue Fan Lei sighed before ignoring his words again. "I came here to…" She paused as twin clouds of red tainted her porcelain like, pale and beautiful cheeks. "Take me to him."

"Yes!" As Jing Lan incanted a few spells, a boat appeared in the water. She lifted her dress as she stepped in, the tall, lanky man following her.

She didn't sit down as she looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar surroundings. This was an alternate realm and she couldn't use her powers as freely here as she could outside, so she had to wait for Jing Lan or wouldn't she have just flown to where she wanted to go? In her cloak, her hands twisted together in anticipation.

Jing Lan looked at the celestially beautiful lady in front of him, her hair adorned with obsidian beads and threads of gold weaved in, then his gaze shifted to her cheeks where the wound was still bleeding. He felt a rush of panic spread through him—His Majesty would kill him for hurting her. Slowly, he counted down the minutes to his punishment. His Majesty, please don't kill this lowly servant!

As the boat reached the wooden pier, Jue Fan Lei quickly stepped out, walking ahead. She could smell the intoxicating sweet smell that surrounded this entire place as rays of silvery moonlight peeked through the cloudy sky. Bright yellow paper lamps lit her way as the stone path snaked through the vast garden filled with herbs and flowers. Along the way she saw many of the An sisters, all of them greeting her.

The An8 sisters were responsible for running the place, cooking, taking care of the garden and the palace. There were thirteen of them, they were not blood sisters. On terms of power… each of them was way more powerful than Jue Fan Lei, but each of them had also lived for many decades more, though their youthful and beautiful appearance hid that.

"Lady Jue." An Xi9 greeted her, bowing deeply. "Master Long is in his study. Should I lead you there?"

"Thank you." Be polite but not overly so. It was something her mother had said but when in front of the An sisters, this iron Empress was unsure if the rule still applied; they were servants, but their powers surpassed hers.

The door was made of thick black wood, a dragon carved in it, inlaid with gems and meticulously detailed with gold. She knocked once and she heard his voice, it was deep and intoxicating. Pushing open the door she entered his study.

His long black hair spilled down his back, barely contained in the silk tie. The lamps in the room gave him a golden glow, making the picture appear mellow and soft such that she felt as if he had become even more beautiful.

He held a brush in his hands as he wrote down something on a parchment, his writing was elegant and beautiful, yet bold with a hint of flamboyance. He didn't glance up, too busy.

"Yun Shui." She called out softly to him and his head whipped up as he stopped writing. Ink stained the paper where the brush still rested on it. He realized that and put the brush away. He stood up walking towards her as she too took a few steps forward. They stopped a feet from each other, and Jue Fan Lei's cheeks once again stained a deep red.

Long Yun Shui10 looked at the shy girl in front of him and pulled her into his arms. She smelled like sunlight and the warmth by a hearth, making him want to keep her by his side forever. They stood like that for a long while, and Fan Lei felt so secure and comfortable that she fell asleep.

When Long Yun Shui saw this, he did not know whether to laugh or be angry. With a flick of his hand, the fires in the lamps were extinguished, only moonlight peeping through the latticed wooden window, casting a shadow on the black marble flooring. Picking up his beloved woman he headed for his quarters.

Laying her down on the cloud like soft mattress, he loosened her outer robes and gently took out the ornaments from her hair, since they would hurt her when she slept. An Mei11 who entered the room with a basin of warm water and a towel was shocked at the sight of her master taking care of someone so carefully. She and her sisters had followed him for many years; many times they had seen how cruelly he would kill those who betrayed and those who did wrong. It made them, who were still weak willed at the time, want to throw up.

When their master had met the young Empress who killed her uncles and many branches of royal family to avenge her mother, they had been unsure of what to make of their relationship. The Empress at that time was sixteen, and although she was of marriageable age, she had not married. Now, eight years had passed and they who had seen the Empress grow from a young girl to a woman, were still not used to seeing their Master and her interact.

"An Mei, you can leave."

'Uwah, you don't have to be this cold all the time, Master Long.' An Mei thought to herself tearfully, as she retreated. She did not understand what feature of Empress Jue appealed to him, she wasn't even as powerful as any of the An sisters—any of the An sisters in themselves could each slaughter a nation, while their master could slaughter them with the wave of a hand.

The disparity between their powers was not small…

However, those matters didn't matter, as long as Master Long was happy, everything else didn't matter. As she disappeared into the darkness, An Mei wondered when she would hear the wedding bells.

In the huge room with marble flooring, the lamps burnt low with blue flames, casting eerie lights on the gilded walls. Long Yun Shui, the most powerful man in all of the continents, was looking at the woman he loved.

"Why did you come if you wanted to sleep?" He grumbled, as he wiped her face gently with the warm water. He wasn't angry at her, just annoyed.

"Yun Shui…" Jue Fan Lei whispered in her sleep, brows knotted. She was mumbling in her sleep and unable to stop himself, Long Yun Shui hugged her. His nose buried in her neck as he calmed himself. Jue Fan Lei clung to him like a koala, unwilling to let go.

"I love you…" she whispered. It wasn't the first time she had said it, but it made his heart quicken with delight, melting him from the warm feeling.

"In this life, you are my only. I love you too, Jue Fan Lei." His voice was firm, as he vowed. This woman was someone he treasured and any who tried to harm her would be tortured in the deepest pits of hell!

Despite who he had once been… thinking of these troublesome matters made worry cloud his mind. To survive in this world, you had to lie, but there were some lies that Long Yun Shui wished he had never said…