Chapter 523 Finding The Hidden Organ!


Baili Hong Zhuang tapped on the wall gently, listening to any difference in the sound, the organ should be near the stone door, so they had to be very careful, they cannot let go of the slightest difference.

The extraordinarily handsome face of Di Bei Chen was also filled with seriousness. His ear was close to the wall and listening carefully for any difference in the sound. Although it seemed simple, when facing such a large wall, it would require a great patience.

Just as Baili Hong Zhuang and Di Bei Chen continued to tap the wall and look for the organ, the sound of other cultivator's voices gradually came from behind.

"I didn't expect the trial in the first passage to be so strange. If I hadn't been too desperate, I wouldn't have ever hit the wall."

"Haha, there was such a thing, I have never really heard of it. There was no sound after you hit the wall, and I also tried it. I didn't expect to come out like this."

"The rest of the idiots don't know when they will come out. We both have a great chance now."

The excitement of the two people could be clearly seen from the conversation between the two. In this moment of the expedition, having this opportunity was a pie from the sky.

"I'm going, ah, no, what will we do…"

Xiao Hei said silently, they had used knowledge to get through, it had not expected someone to get through in this sly, cat caught dead mice way. Its eyes were a bit bright…

"This world is full of infinite possibilities. Even if we can't accept this, we have to."

Xiao Bai shook his head slightly. If it were not for Master knowing the way to break through the illusion, they didn't know what they would be doing right now.

"Master, come on!"

Baishi's face was a bit worried. The two cultivators would arrive soon to where Master was, and they must speed up.

Baili Hong Zhuang and Di Bei Chen increased their speed. They must open the stone door before other arrived, otherwise, they would inevitably have to fight.

Baishi also slammed the wall with its small claws, trying to help Baili Hong Zhuang find the organ.

Di Bei Chen noticed the movement of Baishi and there was a strange emotion in his eyes. The nature of Beastmaster need not be explained. It was not a simple matter to ake the Beastmaster listen to them with such willingness.

Judging from the current attitude of the Beastmaster, it was very good for Baili Hong Zhuang, he did not have to worry about this.

As the footsteps from behind were getting closer, the movement of Baili Hong Zhuang was also getting faster.

"Hey, isn't that Di Bei Chen and Baili Hong Zhuang? I didn't expect them to come out earlier than us."

The two men in the rear came all the way forward, finally seeing Baili Hong Zhuang and Di Bei Chen, a light suddenly appeared in their eyes.

The two of them had not had even a little bit of harvest so far, and maybe the two people, Baili Hong Zhuang, and Di Bei Chen had already put the treasures in their Qiankun bag.

"Fast! Catch up with them!"

The two men moved and rushed toward the place where the two people were.

"Time is too late." Baili Hong Zhuang frowned, this organ was too well-hidden, despite looking for half an hour, they did not find anything.


A subtle sound came out, and Baili Hong Zhuang found that the stone door that been closed, suddenly opened in front of their eyes.

Di Bei Chen and Baili Hong Zhuang glanced at each there. The two of them had not found the organ. In the next moment, their eyes were locked onto Baishi.