Chapter 543 Is Of Great Significance, Di Bei Chen

"Master, did you think of something?"

Seeing the change of expression on Baili Hong Zhuang's face, Xiao Hei couldn't help but ask. He had stayed with Master for so long. He also had a certain understanding of the changes in Master's demeanors.

Baili Hong Zhuang's eyes held a trace of appreciation for Xiao Hei, but her thin lips were slightly pressed together. "Xiao Hei, Xiao Bai, do you think that the shape of the grove and the hilt of the glass sword, Liu Li may have some similarities?"

Listening to Baili Hong Zhuang's words, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai couldn't help thinking about the appearance of Liu Li in their mind. With this thought, the eyes of both the fluff balls were gleaming brightly.

"It is very similar." Xiao Hei said excitedly. "Master, I will confirm it in the Chaos Ring?"

They only noticed the blade of the glass sword. They didn't pay much attention to the hilt, but they felt it was very similar. Was it still necessary to confirm it?

Baili Hong Zhuang nodded slightly. "Alright, tell me after confirming the result."

Next, Baili Hong Zhuang faked brushing her hair, and putting the black bead from her hair into the Cosmos bag, noticing that no one was paying attention, she directly put it into the Chaos Ring.

Since there was storage space in the Chaos Ring, she put all important things into the Chaos Ring.

After all, a Cosmos bag had the possibility of being robbed, but the Chaos Ring did not.

After she got the glass sword, she put Liu Li directly into the Chaos Ring, so now she needed Xiao Hei's help to help her confirm.

After Xiao Hei entered the Chaos Ring, he did not delay. He immediately found Liu Li. After careful comparison, Xiao Hei's face showed a smug expression.

"Master you were right! The groove is exactly the same as the hilt of the glass sword!"

She got Xiao Hei's answer, and the smile on Baili Hong Zhuang's lips was a little more confident. So, these two grooves must be correspondingly for the swords she and Di Bei Chen had found.

However, with the wisdom and genius of Di Bei Chen, it was wrong that he had not found this out.

"Zhi Qing, did Di Bei Chen look for the mechanism on this stone door these days?" Baili Hong Zhuang asked.

Xia Zhi Qing shook her head. "I didn't see him coming to the stone door."

"In the past few days, Di Bei Chen has always been worried about your safety. He did not pay attention to other things. He didn't even glance at the stone door."

Bai Jun Yu's face was full of emotion, this made the deeply aware of Di Bei Chen's feelings for Baili Hong Zhuang. They were really an enviable pair.

"Turns out so."

Baili Hong Zhuang was stunned, she thought that it was impossible for Di Bei Chen to not find this out with his wisdom and talent. But it turned out that he had never noticed these, these past few days.

When she thought of this, Baili Hong Zhuang's heart was also touched. Most of the top talented cultivators in Shengxuan Continent put their strength for getting a more important position. Di Bei Chen had not much interest in the treasures of the monument, and he only cared for her.

As soon as she thought that Di Bei Chen had not rested for several days, Baili Hong Zhuang decided to not tell him this news.

After Di Bei Chen had had a good rest and adjusted his conditions, she would tell him her discovery.

"What is the meaning of this arrangement by the Monument's Master?"

Baili Hong Zhuang still had many doubts. Whether it was the previous stone room or the current situation, obviously, the owner of the Monument had deliberately arranged for two people to join to open the stone door!