
Chapter 4

We were chilled to our bones and  quiet after our little discovery. Only Dan was still himself, watching a movie on his tablet and humming a tune. Now and then, he would break into a laugh which obviously annoyed everyone else.

We told Mrs Sana, who brushed it off saying it probably was a joke. So, non of us spoke about it again. Although we didn't speak it our loud, we thought of it in our minds.

The bus continued driving through the rickety alley. The sun had begun to set, giving the bus glow-like appearance. The sun pierced directly at me, and I had to draw the blinds down. Mrs Sana told us that we were close by and should be patient a while. I noticed that since we left that ominous town, the roads had been bad. Our bus would fall into a ditch now and then, talkless of the very narrow roads we had to pass through.

"We're here. Everyone come out one by one. Don't pack your luggage yet. After arranging everything, you can take your luggage." Mr Cameron announced and we trooped one after the other and followed them into the camping site.

I was in awe looking at the camp. It was beautiful. We pushed a large gate and entered the camp. The camp was situated in the middle of nowhere - practically a forest. There is a large house in the centre of the camp, designed in a beige and brown colour. It was obvious that the house was re-coloured recently. I walked inside, to a huge sitting room. There were furniture and a small table at the left side. Walking straight, I entered a dining section with a large dining table. A kitchen was in another section, close to the dining table.

The rooms were located on another part of the house, after walking out of the sitting room and following a small hallway. The rooms were divided into four. Two for the girls and two for the boys. The girls room was overlooking that of the boys. In each room, there were six beds. Wide and spacious, with large windows. Large bathrooms were designed inside the rooms.

Outside, was made up of various sections. There was a swimming pool at the backyard, or back of the house, a tennis court at the side of the pool, a large river overlooking the house. Archery equipment and other games were all kept in the yard. I was planning on going towards the river when my name was called.

"Peyton, Jameela, Sarah, Joe, Ade. Your job is to go to the swimming pool and rearrange all the items there. The people that brought all these things just stuffed them here. We need to make sure all is in order by today. Is that clear?" Mr Cameron ordered.

"Yes Sir!" Our class was divided into several groups and our teachers, were watching us and also helping in one way or the other, while Mrs Sana went to their quarters and tidied it. Their  quarters was also designed exactly the way ours were.

Some of us were assigned to the bedroom, some to the kitchen, swimming area, sports area, and the backyard.

"Hey, does anyone else get service problem? Here I'm not getting any." Ade asked, as he took a ball and threw it on a chair.

"Nope. I am not getting any too," I said.

"Yeah. When we arrived, I tried calling home but no service, and I thought that maybe it was the weather." Joe replied.

"Well then, I will go ask Mrs Sana. Maybe there, they can get service." Peyton suggested and a while later, came back looking angry.

"What happened?" Carrie asked, looking at how outraged Peyton looked.

"Well apparently, there is no service here. She said that they forgot to tell us, since there are more important things than that. Can you imagine?" She huffed. Peyton is the most 'obsessed-with-social-media' one among us. No matter where we go, she must take selfies, vlog and blog about it, not to mention the many pictures and videos she posts on her accounts.

"Wait a minute. I don't get there's no service here?" Carrie asked.

"Yea. Exactly what you heard. This area, has no service. We need to get on top of a cliff on the other side in order to get it." Peyton replied.

I mentally pictured how this trip would be - boring. That was just the word for it.

Peyton whined, "I really need to use my phone. Know what's going on, you know? My accounts have been inactive for approximately 10 hours. Do you know what that means? That is the longest I have been without checking my accounts. Besides I haven't even told my parents that we have arrived. Well, none of us have, anyway," Peyton said. 

"Yeah. I'm sure my Mom is worried by now. You know how she can get if she hasn't talked to me for a while," Ibraheem said.

"Well, tomorrow morning I will climb the cliff." Peyton continued.

"What? Are you serious? You can't go there alone. Don't forget, the teachers won't allow you to. At least not alone." I told her.

"Well, they don't have to know. Besides, I'm gonna spend a lot of time there. And I'm sure if they were to go with me or any of us, we would only stay for only 5 minutes. And it would only be once a day. So I'm going alone." She remained stubborn. 

We tried to reason with her, but Peyton being Peyton, refused to listen to any of us.

"Ok, then. But promise you will not stay for long." Sarah begged. Since we arrived, she had been acting delirious.

  "Ugh. Ok. I won't be long. My fans must be worried, so I need time to sort out everything."  Peyton finished arranging the chairs in order.

Mariyam came in, carrying a bunch of red flowers and dumped them in the bin. She had been assigned to the main room.

Mariyam turned to leave, but her legs gave way.

"Careful, Mari." Peyton and I, who were closest to her, held her from falling while the others rushed at us.

"I'm feeling a bit dizzy," She said.

"You should rest. It's probably due to the long journey." Ade told her.

Just then, Mr Cameron came in, his face beaming with delight. He was proud of us for finishing the work he gave us on time.

"Good job students. I see you have finished. It's time to eat and sleep. Tomorrow, camping shall begin," Mr Cameron said.

My plan was to check out the whole place, but I knew that Mr Cameron would keep an eye out for everyone, especially since we just arrived. Mr Cameron had been at our school since I could remember. In junior year, he taught us Mathematics and Science. When our History teacher was sick due to an accident, Mr Cameron stepped in. Since then, the students had named him 'Jack of all subjects'. He prides himself of being a top A student since kindergarten. He was awarded the valedictorian in his university days, earning him one of the most hated teachers award in Skybay school. Hence, he ensures that every students buckles up in their studies.

We ate a lot because we were very hungry and tired. Mariyam took her meds after eating and went to sleep before us. After our long trip, and the enormous work we did in arranging everything, the least we deserved was a well cooked meal.